Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Media Attention: What story (that gained extensive media coverage) do you find most interesting?


  1. A story that I found very interesting was when Justin Bieber got arrested. I found the issue very appalling. He committed extremely wrongful crimes and should be punished for them. For a famous star, he should be setting prime examples and be a good role model for his fans and others. He should not be committing illegal crimes or doing illegal actives, such as drinking and driving and smoking illegal substances. What he did wrong, and so were all of the things he said to the officers, and the things he said in the court room; he was very obnoxious. This story has been surfacing the news for a long period of time. The news should be focusing on more important issues such as droughts in California, Olympic terrorist threats, etc instead of his wrongful crimes.

  2. A story that i found to be interesting was Marcus smart getting suspended for three games for pushing a fan. When Marcus smart went in to block a dunk he fell into the stands and heard a fan say something about him and he went over to the fan and he pushed him. Smart is out for three games for pushing the fan. the fan who is a major Texas tech fan denied that he said a racial slur to smart. Smart apologized to the fan and his family for his actions at the basketball game. The fan said that he will not attend any more Red Raiders games, home or away for the remainder of the season so that nothing like this happens again. The fans name was Jeff Orr. I personally feel that Smart should of been superseded a bit longer for his actions cause the fan could of possibly got hurt or anyone else in the crowd.

  3. Story that i researched that was very interesting and got a lot of media attention is how human trafficking surfaced during the 2014 Super Bowl. The Super Bowl took place in New Jersey this year. A 15 year old girl was recovered and 17 people were arrested because of this.Those found guilty ranged from 17 to 45 years old are accused of promoting prostitution, prostitution, drug possession and other offenses. Most of the women and girls found knowingly participated in the sex trade, others claimed they were enslaved and trafficked. The average age of children exploited through domestic minor sex trafficking is 14.

  4. A very interesting story that came to my attention was Derek Jeter's announcement that he will be retiring at the end of the 2014 major league baseball season. As a player of America's most famous baseball team, it's definitely a shame that he will be ending his career at the early age of 39. However, I think it's best that he decided this year would be the last of playing professionally as he began to realize that baseball was becoming more of a "job" than what he initially sought out to be something he enjoyed doing. After the strenuous past year, Jeter struggled with many injuries and feels like it's the right time to move forward. Not only did he make the team better by setting positive examples, but he also provided a sense of dignity and class off the field which made him a person that many can look up to.

    1. This story was also very interesting to me because Derek Jeter is such an amazing player and even though we all knew he was getting to the end of his career it was still a shock to all the people that idolize him.

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  6. A story that i found to be interesting was the O.J Simpson murder trial in 1994. Simpson was accused of the murder of his wife and a waiter. O.J turned himself in on June 17,1994 at 11 a.m. At about 6:30 p.m Simpson was seen in his white bronco that was driven by his friend Al Cowlings. When the police caught up to the car Al yelled to the police officer that Simpson wads in the back and had a gun up to his head. The officer backed off but continued to follow the car. At first only one helicopter wad tracking the chase but then as many as 20 joined in broadcasting the chase on live television. The many helicopters caused the chase to be displayed on wrong t.v channels. They even had the chase broadcasting on a radio station. That radio station was the one that O.J was listening to at the time and O.J's former football coach John Mckay came on the air to try to talk him out of suicide. Eventually they got the chase to end with peace. O.J's justification was that he was "Just going to join Nicole" implying that he was going to kill himself. The trial ended on October 3,1995 and with the help of very good lawyers O.J was found innocent of the crime.

  7. A story that I found to be interesting was the event that occurred right here in Levittown yesterday. A 58 year old man by the name of Robert Kahn was charged with attempted murder of his landlord. The whole event that took place was about not paying rent. The police said that Kahn assaulted and chased his landlord around the house with a rifle. The shooting had taken place at 2 p.m. which caused the Island Trees School District to close. The landlord wasn't hit by any bullets but was wounded from flying glass. A woman that was driving by in a car was also hit and injured from the glass as well. The dispute eventually ended when Kahn ran out after a 2 and a half hour standoff with the police.

    1. What a very interesting story indeed. Not to mention the event also proved how fast stories can spread via word of mouth. I didn't hear what happened until the following day, and the news only came from other classmates. In the end though, I'm glad that no one got hurt and that the man gave himself up without a fight.

  8. When I think of a news story that captivated my attention I generally think of the Boston marathon bombing. Not only did this horrific incident capture my attention but it also captured the attention of the entire nation. With a total of 3 people dead and multiply people injured due too two home made bombs that got the attention of millions. The people responsible turned out to be two brothers; one happened to be shot and killed during an altercation with the police and FBI. Not only did the remaining brother escape the altercation but the escape of this one man left all of Boston on lock down. All though the event was tragic it showed how supportive people can be when others are in need and also showed how quick media and news outlets jump to conclusion when a news story is first released. Over all the news story itself captured my attention and was one of the biggest stories of 2013.

    1. In accord with this commentary, I believe this lurid event was one on everyone’s minds on April 15th of 2013. When the media’s rushed involvement in this event was commented on, I was reminded of some other published magazines subsequent to the event—the Rolling Stone’s cover story, for example. In addition to the horrifying effects of the bombing, people then had to witness this magazine glorifying the second bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. "THE BOMBER," the cover page reads, "How a Popular, Promising Student Was Failed by His Family, Fell Into Radical Islam and Became a Monster." Many found this story appalling, feeling that the writers were giving him the fame he wanted, and were inadvertently encouraging future attention-seeking attacks. Although this issue was later retracted, it was yet another emotional scar left on the people of Boston. I think this is just one more example of how, indeed, this was an extremely big story last year, and it continued to live on throughout all of 2013.

  9. A story that interested me was about Amanda Bynes. Amanda has turned her life around after her struggle with drugs, alcohol and some personal issues. Amanda Bynes was arrested for a DUI. I understand being in the spot light is hard and many stars struggle with it. If I was in the spot light I would want to be the best person I could be so all my fans had something to look up too. Today all we have to look up to are drug addict and alcoholics. I'm not saying that these people should not ever take a sip of alcohol but I do think that they should watch how much they consume and not drive under the influence. Amanda Bynes has went to rehab and have over her come her demons. Amanda's mother, Lynne Bynes, was recently praised for helping her daughter keep on track with her treatment. Bynes was also recently been looking into colleges and wants to major in fashion. Amanda is one of my favorite actresses and I am very please to see her getting her life on track and I hope she keeps it up!

  10. A story that jumped out to me was the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman. It was a very sad story to see Philip struggle for many years with drugs, such as heroin. And to see such a great talent, only at the age of 46 to be wasted away by poor decisions. Philip is not the only famous actor who has died so soon of an overdose of drugs, but being part of many of few, it is sad that these "stars" are pushed so far to turn to drugs and lose a battle in trying to control it. Philip was known by many from his amazing roles in movies such as Moneyball, Mission Impossible III, and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. He was an Oscar winner. He was so talented! Its a terrible thing, to see someone being able to stop for many years, to fight off the temptations to start up again with drugs, and to have the courage to stay clean; but its that one moment that struck Hoffman to use the drug of Heroin and sadly it took his life. I am shocked that our generation of stars are caught using drugs. They are suppose to be role models for us. People like Philip help us chase those dreams, to be an actor or actress or to be something we dream of. But like certain people say "When it comes to fame there is a price to pay." And I believe that it is true, Philip was troubled in certain years and his only help was drugs. But this talented actor goes out being known as Hollywoods best actors in my books. R.I.P Philip Seymour Hoffman (1967-2014)

    1. I feel like the media has been a preeminent source of mass communication to get news out to the public-especially events that occur in the world of Hollywood. Over the years, many iconic celebrities have taken their own life due to an overdose relating to drugs or alcohol and it's really a shame because many people look up to these individuals.

  11. A story i found interesting was the Andrea Yates case in 2002. Yates confessed to drowning her five kids in her bathtub of her house on June 20th, 2001. Yates suffered very severe postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis. I found this case very interesting because i always wonder what goes through peoples minds. Mental illnesses are very scary and can do a lot to a persons mind. In 2006 Yates was found not guilty by reason of insanity. What happened in this case was absolutely terrible but her husband knew she was mentally unstable and he left her alone with the kids. I always tend to find myself reading cases similar to Andrea Yates. The mind can be a dangerous place and i always want to know what goes through peoples minds that deal with these diseases.

  12. An article that I found very interesting was when a Crossfit Competitor named Kevin Ogar dropped a barbell on his upper spine and became paralyzed. Kevin Ogar was at the "OC Throwdown" in Orange county,California, he was the one of the top Crossfit athletes in the world and when he failed the Olympic lift know as the "Snatch" he became a paraplegic. Ogar a very strong and motivated athlete dropped the 240 lb barbell on his spine and severed several vertebrae. He was diagnosed by doctors soon after the injury and they told him he would be paralyzed from the waist down. Being how big and comforting the Crossfit Community is, the community decided they would raise money to help pay for Ogar's medical bills. The community raised over $170,000 to help Kevin Ogar pay for his bills and rehabilitation. This shows how motivating and caring the Crossfit community is they helped out and raised money for a man they never knew,but since he did Crossfit he was considered family to our community. Many professional Crossfit athletes had an auction where they would sell memorabilia and sell it to fans and all the proceeds would go to the Kevin Ogar Foundation. The amount of money our community raised was astronomically high and im so happy to be apart of this worldwide Crossfit family. With over 7,000 Crossfit gyms in over 54 countries we are a world-wide family. Crossfit is the sport of the 21st centuary.

  13. During the present times of media, prejudice is inevitably going to seep through the screens of computers across the universe. A rapidly spreading story that seems to embody this concept is one about a young man named Michael Sam. This University of Missouri football star, one many NFL scouts have had their eyes on for a while, was the 2013 Southeastern Conference Co-Defensive Player of the Year. In the promising athlete’s senior season, he had 48 tackles, 11.5 sacks, and 19 tackles for losses—for all of those who only watch football for the Super Bowl commercials and half time show, his numbers are extremely tall and propitious to NFL prospectors. As a Defensive End on the football field, his skills would leave him between a 3rd and a 5th round pick, or more simply one of the top 15 of his position to be drafted to a team. Oh—and he’s gay; that shouldn’t make a difference, should it? According to a noticeable portion of the public, it makes all the difference. Although the NFL league publicly supports his decision to come out and his goal to be the first openly gay NFL player, many people don’t, and have made it very clear in their derogatory comments. These vociferous opposers make biting statements—some saying his skills will be knocked down to a lower pick because of this, others going as far as saying that he won’t be accepted into any team, declaring that his act was selfish, and that him being homosexual and embracing who he is makes all of the other footballers uncomfortable. Others, however, admire Michael, comparing him to Frederick Pollard (a man known as the first African American player in the NFL). All in all, Michael Sam’s courageous decision received both welcomed praise and unwarranted insults—negativity which takes energy that would be much better invested in discussing the real requirements of a football player, and what the talented young man has to offer on the field.

    1. I also found intrest in this article. His breakthrough will open the door for other gay athlete not only in the NFL but in other sports aswell

  14. What I thought was an interesting story was when Pluto was relabeled and is now not considered a planet. Back in August of 2006 The International Astronomical Union decided on a new definition for the term "planet." By coming to this decision, it was also decided that Pluto did not fit the new description. Pluto isn't significantly bigger than its moons, which is one of the criteria for becoming a planet. Therefore, Pluto will now be considered a Dwarf Planet. It's a little sad to lose one of our solar system's planets, and I think it was unfairly downgraded, as do some states, such as New Mexico and Illinois, who both still recognize it as a planet. At the same time though, it is pretty cool to be the last generation to grow up having nine planets.

    1. I also found this story to be interesting because it's such a bizarre event that I would never think would occur in history. Whenever conversations come up about the planets, I forget that there are now only 8 and bring up this event on how Pluto is no longer considered a planet and is now furthermore known as a "Dwarf Planet".

  15. An article that interested me was the special education tutor accused of stealing from homes. Bonni Blier, 36, of Ronkonkoma, was arrested Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2014, and charged with stealing jewelry from several homes where she tutored students, police said. Blier is charged with two counts of third-degree criminal possession of stolen property and one count each of fifth-degree criminal possession of stolen property and petty larceny. This shocked me because Bonni scammed people who once trusted her with their children. Bonnie betrayed them and stole their valuables. She was arraigned Wednesday in First District Court in Central Islip and held on a bail of $10,000 cash or $20,000 bond. Bonni lied and cheated people out of their money. Bonni set up a profile online to scam people for their jewelry.

  16. A story that captured my attention was about the controversy of the Super Bowl Coca Cola commercial this year. Many people became offended about this commercial because it featured people from every ethnicity speaking their own language in the well known song, "America the Beautiful." While others emotions exploded due to this commercial airing, I on the other hand thought that Coca Cola knew what they were doing. They spend all year for the chance for their commercial to air at the Super Bowl and I believe that they wanted this reaction to happen. The people that proceeded to tweet that they were switching to Pepsi because people were singing this song in other languages and not English are immature and pathetic. I think it is necessary and one's right to have pride in their own country, however, this country is so diverse that not one language is dominant in it anymore. Everywhere you look, signs, labels and commercials are in multiple languages to fit everyone in this country. I give credit to Coca Cola for stirring up this "anger" in people and making them realize that no race in this country is superior to another, and putting people in their place.

  17. A story I found interesting was how Justin Bieber got arrested. Justin Bieber was a role model to many kids and now he is a disgrace. He got arrested for speeding and a DUI. He is getting in a lot of trouble and his life is spiralling down hill. It's sad how a successful and good kid turned into a absolute mess and terrible influence for kids.

  18. Recently the movie Frozen, a new Disney production has taken the world by storm. According to personally interviewed sources, the movie is one that goes against stereotypes and cliches,which is ironic for a Disney film. It included complex characters such as Elsa and a poignant story teenagers and young adults and children alike could relate to. This frenzy has even reached countries such as South Korea even though the movie was released later in South Korea, there have been multiple renditions of the theme song let it go originally by Idina Menzel by korean superstars. Instances have been found when kpop singers cosplay as Elsa and other characters from the movie. Even on Instagram one of the most famous singers like Heechul from super junior often post screenshots from the movie citing it as his favorite. Another interesting fact about the movie that goes against a cliche is that there is no true villain in until the end and makes you question what is bad, what is good, and what makes a villain. Maybe examples like this is what made it such a complicated but touching story. I have not seen the movie however I am now looking forward to it considering the social media frenzy it is causing among adolescents both here and even in the country as far as South Korea.

  19. A story that i found very interesting is Justin Bieber getting arrested in Florida for racing. Just was also under the influence at the time. I think that his behavior is getting out of control now. Justin is hanging out with the wrong people and is going to keep getting in trouble. For a kid who has it all i don't get why he is throwing it all away. But what else do you expect from a 19 year old with millions of dollars. A lot of just ins fans have turned against him for his actions. I think that he is going to change for the better soon.

  20. One story that I found to interest me was Justin Bieber getting arrested for driving under the influence and racing. He was in Miami Florida when he was arrested and taken into custody. The officers who arrested him accuse Bieber of drag racing in a high powered Lamborghini. According to the police, Justin admitted to smoking marijuana and taking prescription medication. A urine analysis showed he had tested positive for marijuana and the prescription drug Xanax. Many videos such as Bieber doing push ups in a cell, him taking a sobriety test, and even him urinating in a cup for a drug test surfaced the web. I think that Justin will change for the better and try to save his image in the future.

  21. A story that took my attention was the women who was being charged with killing her child. She had the baby in the bathtub at the house she was a maid at. After the birth she then killed the baby and went to the hospital for complications from the pregnancy. When she arrived, the doctors were asking her what was wrong and she wouldn't tell them. They soon found out that she had given birth, and were wondering where the baby was. To their surprise they found the baby in the hospital dumpster outside. She was arrested and so was her husband for various charges.
