Thursday, October 16, 2014

Breakfast Club


  1. In the film the breakfest club, Brian is considered a brain and a nerd. In our culture today that is still a stereotype. There are many kids today that are very smart. People consider these people to be nerds. I personally think that this isn't a negative stereotype.

  2. The stereotypes in the movie The Breakfast club can often be seen in today's society. For example, Claire the princess is also popular. When the main characters are sitting together in a scene of the movie, Clair states that she would not say hi to Brian in the hallway. She says this because she is too afraid to stand up to her friends because Claire is popular and Brian is not. I think many people are like that in today's society because everyone cares what everyone else thinks about them. Claire is also portrayed as conceited which many "popular" kids today can also be characterized as. Some stereotypes that are seen in the movie can also be seen through out everyday lives.

  3. There are a few stereotypes shown throughout the film The Breakfast Club, that are still present in our society today. One character in The Breakfast Club that we stereotype is Andrew. In the film, Andrew is known as the Jock. This is because he walks into detention with his varsity jacket on and his head held high. When he gets dropped off at detention by his dad, his dad tell him not to get caught and mess up his sports future. But not only does Andrew play sports, he also likes to stick up for his fellow class mates when Bender makes fun of them. I do believe that we still have jocks around today, but we use the term athletic guy or girl. I also believe that athletes have a higher tendency to stick up for others.This is because when they are on a sports team they have to stick up for their team and have their back through everything.

  4. There are many different stereotypes in the film The Breakfast Club. Most notable of these stereotypes is the jock. The word jock is still the same now as it was back then, but it has a little bit different of a meaning. Now, they are idols and if you are an athlete you are looked up to. Back then they almost looked down upon you. Andrew is the jock in the film and he always sticks up for the prom queen. Still today athletes are protective of others.

  5. i think one steryotype in the breakfast club that rains true is the bad boy bender lives in a broken home. i think when you meet the bad boy in school there parents can be neglectful to there kids.

  6. One stereotype that still holds true today is that of Andrew. Andrew's stereotype is that he is a jock and jocks are known to be stuck up people who are always flaunting their strength because of their massive egos. We see this in the Breakfast Club when Andrew tries to stick up for Claire by threatening John Bender but Bender is smart enough to see right through Andrew, We still see this today because sports are a big part of High School and sports players often act like they are better than regular students. Some people are resentful of high school athletes because some of them are stuck up and stubborn but others regard them as heroes of the school which only gives into their egos. We also see in the movie that Andrew sits next to Claire because they are at the top of the high school food chain.

  7. In the Breakfast Club, the stereotypical nerd character of Brian is the one still present in modern day life. There are still kids today who are really smart and freak out over not getting their A.

  8. There are many stereotypes in The Breakfast Club that are still true today. For example, Brian is stereotyped as the nerd or geek. There are still many nerds in todays society. Brian has the brains, grades and shyness that a nerd may portray. I think the stereotype of a nerd has changed since the 80's. In the 80's no one wanted to be the nerd/geek, but in todays society people want to get the good grades and they want to go to an erudite college. Brian is also the one who writes the essay assignment, given/ordered to the students in the beginning of the movie. Since he's known for his smartness, Claire, Andrew and the rest of the group trust Brian in writing the essay.

  9. There are many stereotypes that are still reign true today. For example, Brian is considered the "nerd" because he is studious, smart, and cares a lot about his school work. The pressure of school and especially his shop class is how he came to be in detention that one Saturday. This stereotype can still be given to many people in today's society. Although The Breakfast Club was filmed almost 30 years ago, "nerds" still exist and may even have a greater population than before because there is a bigger emphasis on college and getting a degree than there was in the 1980's.

  10. Numerous stereo types are depicted by all of the different characters in the Breakfast Club. One stereo type that is still common today is the jock. The jock is depcited by Andrew. In the opening scenes when he is dropped off he is wearing a varsity jacket being coached by his father. I believe that the sterotypical jock is a little different today than it was back in the eighties when this film was made. When the film was made it was sterotypical for the jocks to be dumb and their only talent is being athletic. Today I believe that jocks are a lot of the time aome of the kids who do exceptionally well in school. When I go to honor society mettings a lot of the people there are athletes. I also believe that jocks are willing to defend people as depicted in the film when Andrew stands up for Claire when Bender is making fun of her. The stereo type has remained true and much of the same but has also morphed from the stereotypical dumb jock into today as an athlete or athletic person.

  11. There are various stereotypes in the beloved 80’s classic movie “The Breakfast Club” one particular stereotype that remains in today’s society is that of Claire aka princess. Throughout the film we see Claire have altercations with Bender regarding their status in school. For instance, Claire is the popular girl who everyone “Looks up” to whereas Bender is the rebel “I don’t care” person in school. It is still relevant in schools today, there are people like Claire who are popular and may not like it but just go with the flow because they don’t want to be made fun of by there “friends” etc. As for Bender his stereotype is still present because he has family issues and some people today who have problems with family/school often go down the road of rebellion and the resemble traits that Bender caries out throughout the film.

  12. In the breakfast club there are many characters that have a different stereotype. The person I pick is Andrew. In the movie Andrew is the jock. In the 80's the jocks were the cool kids the kids you wanted to be & the kids that everyone looked up to. At the same time they were very conceited. They were also very big on locker room pranks and having everyone know or hear about what happened. In present day I think everything is the same. The only thing I think is different is that they aren't so big on locker room pranks & trying to be cool. If they are they have a good way of hiding it or not letting peoe know.

  13. The Breakfast Club has many stereotypes. One of them is "The Rebel" also known as John Bender. Bender is someone who goes against authority and has a care less attitude. He got in trouble for pulling the fire alarm which proves why he's the rebel. People like him are still in society today. You can see at least one of them in every school. Many of them like Bender had a bad upbringing which led to what they are today.

  14. In the movie the breakfast club John Bender is seen as the rebel/stoner. This stereotype has changed over time and is different then it was back then. He was seen as the kid who just smokes all the time and fails every class. This has changed because there are kids like that today that are very smart.

  15. The Breakfast Club showcases many stereotypes that are still seen in schools today. One character, Andrew, is described as a jock. Andrew got put in detention for picking on a kid in the locker room. Back when this movie was made, jocks were slightly different then they are today. In the 80's, jocks were seen as dumb kids who pick on weaker kids to make themselves seem tougher and to get a good laugh with their friends. Today, jocks don't really pick on anyone and they also care about their school work and grades a lot more. I believe this has changed because they school system is focusing a lot more on the fight against bullying then they were back in the 80's.

  16. There were a few sterio types in the breakfast club, that prolongs today. I believe Andrews sterio type is still around today. He was stereotyped as an athlete. His entire personality is based around being tought and cool . Athletes steriotypes are still around today. He has to look tough around his friends like athletes today act cool in school. Even though athletes now don't pick on eachother anymore their main thought are the same. They think about winning.

  17. I believe Benders stereotype of the rebel still stands today. Kids still smoke weed, ands kids are still disobedient. No amount of time would ever change that. As long as education systems and poor parenting still exist, kids will always rebel. Lots of kids with the same story as Bender attend school to this day. But most of the time rebels do have a cause.

  18. There are many different stereotypes portrayed in the movie "The Breakfast Club". Bender is stereotyped as the rebel/stoner in the movie. He is known as the bad boy, always acting up, he's tough yet vulnerable. He comes from a broken family, with an abusive alcoholic father. Bender resents anyone who he perceives has it better than him so he tears other people apart. He is angry, and seeks attention in any way he can get it, from banging his feet on the table, to insults. In society today these stereotypes still exist but they have changed in some ways. Bender was seen as the kid who smoked all the time and failed every class, but today stoners aren't seen as rebels anymore. They don't all give off the persona of not caring about anything. Many of them are very intelligent and get good grades.

  19. I believe the stereotype of the princess that represents Claire is still alive in some way shape or form. She represent the "popular crowd" which still survives today and will continue to thrive as long as people continue to get richer and richer and for some as along as people continue to throw it in other people's faces. Though how active she is within the school is not seen to much in today's. One other thing I noticed was how she started falling for John Bender the rebel which in itself is a stereotype of females let alone popular females is that they always or at least a good amount of the time end up with a bad boy. That stereotype is still around and may continue to be around.

  20. I believe the stereotype of someone being an athlete or jock is still around today. In the movie Andrew is considered the jock. His personality is based around being cool and tough. This is shown when he tells them how he even got to be in detention was because of his toughness. He taped a kids butt cheeks together in the locker room to be cool and impress his dad. Many kids now a days still consider themselves jocks since they play sports for school. The stereotype has changed in some ways that jocks now are more loved by everyone when they used to be hated by everyone.

  21. I believe a stereotype that still exist today is a jock. Andrew in the breakfast club is the one that portrays it the most. He is athlete that thinks he is tough and cool. He pulls pranks on kids, and has to live up to his fathers standards. now a days the athletes dont pick on kids but he still shows what a common athlete is like.
