Monday, March 17, 2014

Comercials: Ethos, Logos, Pathos, Intended Audience, Purpose


  1. I found this commercial to be very interesting. Whole point of the commercial is to show that this airline company can take you all over the world. I feel that there really is no speaker. The audience is the people who are watching the commercial. I feel that this commercial represents none of ethos, logos or pathos. The purpose of this commercial is to show that this airline company can fly all over the world.

  2. A commercial that I found to be very interesting was the Doritos Time Machine commercial that was aired during the 2014 Super Bowl. The whole purpose of this commercial is to persuade people of all ages to buy and enjoy doritos. I believe the commercial doesn't represent any sense of logos or pathos but there is a sense of ethos that comes across.There is comedy that is incorporated in the commercial. When the man comes out of the time machine, he thinks it's the future because it seems that the kid matured into an old man which proved that the time machine actually worked.

    1. how was it not logos or pathos ? can you explain ? how was it ethos ?

  3. The commercial that I found interesting was the Mean Joe Greene coke commercial that aired back in 1979. The commercial shows cokes slogan "Share a Coke and a Smile." They show this in the commercial when the little kid show decides to give Mean Joe his coke to help cheer up him up after his injury. As the kid walks away Mean Joe throws the kid his jersey and it puts a smile on the kids face. This shows that Mean Joe Greene is a tough guy and tough guys can drink coke. Also it shows that even though he is tough he is also nice. Last but not least the guy drinking coke is an athlete that most fans of the NFL know. So they will drink what the pros drink.

  4. A commercial that expresses Ethos, Logos, and/or Pathos, is the Wendy’s hamburger fast food chain restaurant “Where’s the beef?” commercial. The commercial shows 3 old women looking at 2 large hamburger buns and a very small beef patty. One keeps on asking “Where’s the beef?”. Then the narrator explains that you will not find this at any other fast food restaurant and that Wendy’s give you the most beef in their burgers and are better than the other chains. This commercial shows Logos which means logic, and pathos, which is emotion. For logic, it is trying to show the point that Wendy’s give you the most beef and the most for your money. For emotion, it is trying to funny when the lady keeps on asking “Where’s the beef?” The target audience is for people that like to eat fast food, and hamburgers. The speakers are the three women and the narrator.

  5. I thought this Pepsi commercial aired during the Superbowl was very interesting and catchy. I believe the commercial has a great sense of persuasive appeal through the logic of adding music in the background and its ability to reach out to a wide range of audiences. It shows how things change over time-having Bob Dylan voice the days of his generation and to voice ours. I think the pathos behind the commercial is having Bob Dylan's song "Forever Young" to appeal to those of his time, making some feel reminiscent or even nostalgic. The general intended audience is everyone because it incorporates different various scenes to interest viewers of all age groups. The purpose of the commercial is to get people to drink Pepsi, with the added slogan "Every generation refreshes the world".

  6. In 2011 Doritos aired the "pug attack" commercial during the Super Bowl. In this commercial a man is inside teasing his dog with a Dorito. The dog is running in slow motion to the door as the man is saying "come on come get a chip, come get a chip." The man's girlfriend is telling the man " don't hurt my dog" as the dog is approaching the door, eventually the dog reaches the door and runs right through the door and knocks it down. This commercial was funny because no one would expect a dog that size to knock down a dog. This commercial was an advertisement. The director uses pathos, they played with your emotions by making you laugh. The intended audience was chip lovers. By incorporating the dog they also tried getting dog lovers to buy their products.

    This commercial was too cute when I watched it. I feel that the director used pathos in this commercial. People who have a soft side will be affected by this commercial emotionally. The intended audience was not only people who love beer but dog lovers as well. The dog draws in the dog lovers and helps persuade them to buy Budweiser. I also feel it shows that people or in this case a dog comes back to something they love. This also toys with peoples emotions.

      This commercial talks about two NBA players betting over a McDonald's meal. This commercial shows ethos and pathos. Ethos is shown more in this commercial because many young teenagers and basketball fans want to be like their favorite athletes. If these athletes are eating McDonalds, then they will go to the closest store and buy a Happy Meal. I think this commercial is very effective for young adults because many of them watch these athletes play and the teenagers idolize them. This is why many athletes are in a lot of commercials. This commercial makes me want to go to McDonalds and get a happy meal.

  8. A series of commercials that I found interesting and humorous were the Mac vs. PC commercials that aired from 2006 to 2009. The speakers of the commercials were always two humans representing a Mac and a PC. The purpose, with the series being made by Apple, was to sell Macintosh computers by showing the flaws of Windows computers while praising Macs. This is an example of using logos in advertising. The intended audience for these commercials were PC users or uninformed people who didn't yet own a computer. Lastly, these commercials used advertising techniques such as slogans ("I'm a Mac, and I'm a PC"), and the bandwagon effect in order to sell Macs to the masses.

    Here's all the commercials in one compilation:

  9. i thought this commercial was interesting because it shows different singers contributing their own version of "America, the Beautiful" in different languages and parts of the world. The purpose of this is to show that Americas a melting pot, this shows pathos because it connects to a number of viewers emotionally when they hear the song being sung.

  10. A commercial I have seen was an axe commercial. Its slogan was "make love not war" and they showed people from different countries falling in love. One example was an american solider getting off a plane and running to an Asian girl from another country. Its audience is mostly for guys and maybe girls to buy it for their boyfriends. They think the spray will make girls go after them. Its pathos because it is kind of emotional. It wasn't like most axe commercials where guys are attacked by girls because they use axe.

  11. A commercial that I found interesting that displays ethos, logos, and pathos is the old spice commercial. It shows a bunch of mothers whose sons are wearing old spice and are turning into men. It is not like every other old spice commercial. The audience they are looking to target is adult and teenage males. They are persuading males to buy their product by saying it will make them smell manly.

  12. The life alert commercial with the old woman who fell appealed to pathos. Since everyone has an older person that they care for, it really appeals to that target audience. In addition, they have an "expert" speak about the effectiveness of the product. They also have alleged customers talking about how the product either saved them or a loved one. It applies to pathos and ethos in the same commercial

  13. A favorite commercial of mine is actually a mini series series advertising for Toyota cars. It stars a famous Korean actor by the name of the Lee Min Ho who is in the midst of pursuing both action and romance with his moving vehicle being a Toyota car. This advertisement is targeted towards fans of Lee Min Ho who has a big following in Korea, Japan, and also in China recently. The purpose of the commercials is too encourage those fans of Lee Min Ho and potential car buyers to purchase a Toyota car that was befitting for the handsome, debonair, action, protagonist Lee Min Ho. I think that this commercial uses pathos with its intense action and romance scenes. I think logos is portayed with the cool details about the car slyly inserted in the actors lines between those intense scenes.


  14. This commercial has always been one of my favorites ever since I was younger. It was the "Joy Of Pepsi" Super Bowl commercial 2002. Featuring Britney Spears. Britney was 19 around this time and she was a super hit in the music industry. Whenever this commercial came on the saw Britney Spears and stopped what they were doing to watch this. The pathos behind this commercial was having Britney sing a song and dance. The audience was overall everyone because at this time Britney was the main star. It was a brilliant idea because at the time i was a big fan of Britney along with other young girls and that also expanded the audience.

  15. I have been doing Crossfit for a little over 2 years now.One commercial that I found interesting that showed ethos,logos, and pathos was the Reebok Crossfit Anthem. Crossfit has been called " The sport of Fitness" for various reasons. Crossfit applies to all people anybody can do it. There is no target audience and you don't have to be a professional athlete to do it. Crossfit was founded in 2006 and it is becoming a world wide phenomenon. This is a global sport, Crossfit has changed so many peoples lives and that's why it keeps growing world wide.

  16. One commercial that expresses either Ethos, Logos, or Pathos is Wendy's commercial "Where the Beef?" This commercial was super popular for sometime now and is even said every once in a while now. The commercial shows three older women staring at a hamburger asking "where's the beef?" Showing that other burger simply don't have what Wendy's burgers have. It shows logos because of what Wendy's is offering the customers, which is the beef. And it also shows pathos, trying to be funny by having three older women complain about how there's no beef visible.

  17. A commercial that I found that expresses Pathos is the "Reebok's Terry Tate office linebacker Commercial. With a company like Reebok competing in a market that includes other companies such as Nike and Adidas it is hard for them to come out successful. However, playing this commercial in a super bowl no less, can really make a big difference. the commercials target audience is sports fans or more specifically football fans. The commercial features Terry Tate in a regular and standard office setting tackling employees and will no doubt have you laughing and off your seat.
