Thursday, September 4, 2014

Introduce yourself to the class!


  1. For all of you that may not know me, it’s probably because I am an incredibly shy person. But whenever I’m around my friends, they can never get me to keep quiet. So for all of you that may know me as the quiet one, here is a little about myself. When it comes to school, science is my favorite subject because that’s always the one subject that seems to catch my attention. At home, I live with my goofy father, my beautiful mother and my fifteen-year-old brother who only likes me because I own a car. I spend most of my time in my room because it’s the one place where I can get away from my two barking dogs. Lastly, my favorite season is fall because the summer heat has cooled down and the winter air has not moved in yet. It is also my favorite season because who doesn’t love football and a nice cup of hot chocolate. For those who did not know me, now you know a little about my life and a few of my interests.

    1. Science is one of my favorite subjects too and I also love fall!

  2. Hello, my name is Matthew Brando, and for those of you who may not know me, I'm the guy with the long hair and the dark clothes. In school I'm generally quiet, but I like to get loud when I'm out and with my friends. Speaking of loud, I'm a growler/screamer in a band too, and we haven't released any music, so don't ask about that. My favorite bands include Operation Ivy, Black Flag, Parkway Drive, Suicide Silence, Bring Me The Horizon, and Beartooth. My favorite place to eat is Five Guys, the love I have for this fast food establishment is impeccable. I also hate sports with a burning passion, but I do like to surf, and I do it in every season including Winter. Well, that's all she wrote, so thanks for reading about me!

  3. Hi, my name is Philip Sclar. Not all of you know too much about me. I am not the most talkative kid in class, but out of class I am. My favorite sport to play is tennis. I am the current captain of the Macarthur Boys tennis team. My favorite sport to watch is football. The team I like most in football would have to be the New York Giants. I want to go to college and study physical therapy. I am not positive on which college I would like to attend as of now. Now that you all know a little bit about me, maybe I can learn more about you.

  4. Hello everyone, my name is Joseph Elia, but most people call me Joe. Some of you may know me or of me, others may have never heard of me. Although I may not be the most talkative in this English I really am an outgoing person. I enjoy many clubs, sports and other activities in MacArthur and also outside of school. Some activities I have enjoyed doing in MacArthur are lacrosse, football, and wrestling. My favorite sport is lacrosse and I want to be play lacrosse in college. I still have to choose a college that would fill my needs. Some of the clubs that I belong to in MacArthur are The National Honor Society for which I am the Vice President and I am a member of the Peer Leaders. I am currently having a great time at MacArthur and wish it could never end. I am optimistic about the future but I am not sure what my future has in store for me. I think I am going to study something in the medical field because I enjoy science. For those that know me or know of me or have never heard of me hopefully this shed some light onto who I am as a person.

  5. Hello, my name is Victoria LoPiccolo, many of my friends and family members call me Tort. I'm not very active I like to take my naps everyday after school. I now work at the Levittown safety-swim. My favorite holiday is Christmas because of all the gift and the time i get to spend with my family. As of now i am an only child because my two older sisters go away to college. Its very boring at my house so i usually have my friends over so I am not alone. I have a crazy annoying dog named bailey but I love her at the same time.

    1. Wow Victoria that was great! We should hangout sometime!

    2. wow you are such an inspirational writer!!! i would love to get to know you more!!!<33333

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    4. so cooL!!!! hope we get closer this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xo

    5. Wow tort you should write a book one day !!! ha ok talk to you l8r:)

  6. I never know how to start these thing but here we go... Hi! my name is Joshua Pack but usually everyone calls me Josh. I try to be nice as possible to everyone I meet though at times its hard. I am a hockey nut and play goalie myself. I am very interested in Science, History, and Politics. I have a tendency to lead by example and take on very difficult challenges though I also have a tendency to go off topic. I share house with to overly lovable and adorable Pittbulls named Maximus and Pepper, however when they start acting up with each other they can get a little annoying. Well now you know a little bit about me.

  7. Hello my name is Lenny Serravalli. I'm 17 years old and have had my license for a few months now. I used to play baseball but I don't really play sports anymore but I still like watching them. My favorite sport is football and my favorite team is the Eagles. I don't currently have a job but hope to have one soon because I'm broke. On weekends I usually sit in parking lots with my friends. I would definitely say that I'm living the life. Thanks for getting to know me.

    1. Wow your such a cool person Lenbob!!!!!!

    2. Wow I love football too but I feel bad that you're a eagles fan.

  8. Hi, my name is Ryan Traficante but most of my friends call me Traf/Traffy. My friends would probably describe me as a kind and overall happy person. I believe that I am a very outgoing guy, yet I can be a little shy at times. I love watching and playing most sports. My favorite sport to play/watch is definitely basketball. My favorite team is the New York Knicks (even though they are bad). I also enjoy going to the gym and hanging out with my friends. I hope that you all now know a little more about me and my interests.

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  10. Hello! My name is Christina DeCanio and I'm 17 years old. I LOVE school. Science is my favorite subject and I hope to pursue a future career in nursing. I enjoy hanging out with my friends sometimes but they can be really annoying. My two best friend are Annie and Victoria who I consider more as the sister I never wanted. I am currently a employee of Saf-T-Swim Westbury but i will be transferring over to the Levittown location within the next month. I love my job especially working with children. I am very loud, happy and outgoing and i love to make people laugh. I also love to read when I get the chance too. I hope to get to know everyone more throughout the year!

  11. Hey, my name is Daniel Monahan people call me Dan for short. As most of you all know I am an identical twin. Which is pretty cool I would have to say. I’m somewhat of a talkative person (depends on the class.) I enjoy watching TV/movies, my favorite shows currently are The Leftovers and American Horror Story, but they frequently change throughout the year. As to movies it would be impossible for me to single out a favorite of mine. In Addition I like to read books, I think it’s fun to escape the real world for a moment and get engrossed into a world that surpasses my mindset. Also, I play tennis on my spare time. My interests include film and Graphic Design anything creative really. But Also, I could possibly see myself in the Medical field in my future. I love animals, I have two dogs and two cats which are hilarious and awesome to have. All in all, I hope you enjoyed knowing a little more about me and I hope to learn more about you.

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  13. Hi, my name is Jerome Giorlando
    and today I'm here to tell you a little about myself. First off, if you must know, I'm a massive nerd. I love to read comics and I am one of the biggest Batman fans I know of. But my favorite comic series is The Walking Dead which I can never get enough of. I'm big into film and television. My favorite movies are Lord of the Rings, The Shawshank Redemption, and any Quentin Tarantino film. My favorite shows are Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, and The Walking Dead. I also am a big sports fan but I prefer football. The Giants are my favorite team but I don't really have much hope for them this season. My true passion, however, is art. I love to draw and paint and I really hope that I can make it a career someday. Well that's really all there is to say about me. I hope this has helped you get to know me a bit more.

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  15. Hi, my name is Jessy Davidson. I am a big nerd and I love math and science. My friends and family would describe me as amiable, loud, and adventurous. As some of you may know, I am very active in and out of school. I play three varsity sports, cross country, lacrosse, and my favorite, basketball. In addition, I am the key club president, a peer leader, and in three honor societies. I have also held two blood drives for Long Island Blood Services and have a part time job at the Eisenhower Park Golf Course. My dream college is University of Connecticut, where I would love to study athletic training and physical therapy. Aside from school activities, I love to watch Netflix and Pretty Little Liars. I hope everyone knows a little more about me now!

    1. That is so nice how you have held two blood drives! I love to watch Netflix as well !

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  17. Hi, my name is Christina Nazario but most of my friends call me Nazar. I just turned seventeen years old and i love to hangout with my friends. Ive been on the volleyball team for three years but decided not to play this year because i wanted to fully appreciate and enjoy my senior year. I love business classes and i hope to pursue a career in law. I currently have two jobs and love both of them so much. I work at Adventureland Amusement park and Saf-t-Swim in Westbury. Although i have a pretty packed schedule, i always find time to watch my two favorite shows, Finding Carter and Pretty Little Liars. I hope this tells you all a little bit about me and I hope to find out more about all of you this year!

  18. hello guys my name is Austin sibai and I would like to tell you a little bit about my self. I was born on February 23rd 1997 and I am currently 17 years old. I am currently working a part time job at mcdonalds . I don't mind my job but I would much rather be out with my friends having fun and being active. I love to play basketball football and baseball tenis and lifting weights. If I have the opportunity to try out rugby I would also give it a try. my favorite teams are the Yankees ravens and nets. my family is also a huge virgina tech football family because I have a brother attending the school who also loves football. i love listening to music and allways keep a open mind when it comes to music but my favorite type of music is rock and roll. one of my favorite rock bands is metallica and acdc. the last thing i want you all to know about me is i want to attend UCLA and get a degree in communications and either get into radio or marketing. thank you for reading my post and i hope you enjoy your day

  19. Hi my name is Arielle and I'm sixteen years old. My birthday is on October 10th and I was born in Queens. I moved to Long Island when I was eight years old and I went to East Broadway elementary school. My favorite holiday is Christmas because I get a lot of money and gifts from my family. I have a younger brother named Logan who is six years old and I also have an older brother names Dean. When I get older I would like to pursue a career working with animals or something dealing with forensics. In my free time I like to hang out with my friends, watch TV, and eat food. I hope this helped you get to know me a little better and I hope to learn more about you!

  20. Hi my name is Robert Mari and im 17 years old. I was born on January 9th I live in wantagh NewYork. For the people that don't know me im the kid that drives the grey Infiniti Q50. One of my favorite sports is foorball im a pretty big fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I would probably say that social studies is my favorite class. Science not so much my favorite class. Christmas would have to be my favorite time of the year, since I like the cold and want money and gifts.This was just a little about me. I hope this helped you get to know me a little more.

  21. Hello, my name is Anthony Bisogno, some call me Tony. To start this off, one thing you should know about me is that I'm as unique as they come. I walk to the beat of my own drum and I don't let anyone or anything get in my way. You just have to keep your head up and charge forward and nothing will get in your way. I'm different and I love to be different. But that's besides the point. To get to the moral of this, I have three brothers. Two of them are older and one is younger. Their names are James, Chris, and Alex. My brother Chris and I are Irish Twins, born on the same day just one year apart. I also have a dog named Zoey she's somewhat new to the family. Sports are what keep me sane. My all time favorite sport is baseball. I play on the school team and I'm a catcher. In addition to playing baseball, I also have a part time job at a grocery store. It's not a great job but money is money at this age. Well that's who I am...who are you?

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    1. I Havn't talked to you since Green Kill, from lee road!

  23. Hello, my name is Brian Monahan. I would like to start this off by saying that I’m an identical twin. Being an identical twin is awesome and is unique in so many ways. I enjoy playing golf, reading books, watching sports and educating myself on politics and history. I’ve been playing golf for some time now and I’ve been playing on the school team since I was a freshman. I love golf so much because you can escape the real world and dial in on the beautiful yet challenging game of golf. Yes, I do read books. My favorite genre would have to be Young Adult or Non-fiction novels. I also have a huge fascination with the United States President’s. I won’t list my favorites because there’s so many in mind but I’ll tell you this, Calvin Coolidge and James K. Polk are two underrated presidents that need more attention! As for my future, I would like to study Political Science and History and maybe go into Law school after. I hope you enjoyed what I had to say and to know a little more about me. I’m looking forward to a fun-filled semester.

    1. Wow Brian, great to be in a class with you again!

  24. My name is Gerard Del Grosso. I'm going to start saying that English was never my favorite subject more my best. My favorite subject in school is science. I prefer marine biology, I like the fact that there is so much we don't know about the ocean when we live 20 minuets from it. I am the oldest child of three, I have a younger sister Clare, and a younger brother nick. Both who look up to me as a role model. I am involved in the MacArthur lacrosse program as well as the MacArthur soccer team. I am interested in playing lacrosse in college after high school. My goal in life after High School is not to make a specific amount of money or live somewhere, but look to back and regret nothing. That's me.

  25. Oh hey there, my name is tom van houten and I'm 17 years old. I enjoy playing and watching sports. My two favorite sports are baseball and football. My favorite baseball team is the Yankees and my favorite football team is the broncos. I have a job working at a bowling alley. It is probably one of the easiest jobs in the world since no one goes bowling. I have my license and also have a car. My favorite subject in school is science and I hope to be a physical therapist when I get older. My friends would mostly describe me as funny. That's all there is about me.

  26. Hi, may name is Matt Furlong. I do things. I don't do much or have much to say about myself but I'll try my best. I like to participate in the school musicals every year and have a blast doing them. It's something different from what I normally did. also do a lot of scouting events. I am currently working on my eagle rank at the moment. I also enjoy playing games, especial fighting games. Music is another thing I enjoy because it helps me just relax which is something I desperately need. My favorite musician is Michael Bublé. This is all I have to really say. Hope it wasn't boring.

  27. My name is Ryan Loades I am 17 year old. Most of my friends call me by my last name. During school I am not a very talkative person. But out of school I am a lively person. Some of mu favorite sports are football and hockey. My favorite sports team is the New york Jets. I hoped you enjoyed reading about me.

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  29. Hi my name is Tom Pallini. I'm 17 years old and I live in Seaford, NY. I am what some people describe as a staunch Republican. I am a republican because I love America and want it to be the greatest country on earth. I just got my drivers license on Monday which makes it easier to go place, like the airport, where I do my flight training. I want to become a pilot when I get older and it takes about 2 years to get all the certifications necessary. I plan to go to Farmingdale State College and Major in Aviation Management. If I don't become a pilot I would love to be a politician. Sincerely, Tom Pallini
