Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Criminal Case that Gained Extensive Media Coverage


  1. A fine example of a criminal case that gained extensive media attention and coverage was none other than the OJ Simpson murder trial in 1995. It all started when OJ was chased by police, the chase being infamously slow, on June 17th, 1994. The investigation and trial lasted about a year, and concluded with a not guilty verdict. This trial was covered by media for the entire duration of that year, and videos of the trial can be found on the internet to this date. What made this trial infamously shocking was the overwhelming amount of evidence against OJ, yet the final decision of letting him walk free. It gained so much coverage that even shows like Family Guy satirized his very possible guilt. Not to mention that during the time, it was always one of the top priorities of news channels to air the trial. So therefore, the trial of OJ Simpson greatly gained extensive media coverage.

  2. Back in January, the Justin Bieber Dui case gained the media’s attention. Justin Bieber was charged with drunk driving, resisting arrest and driving with an expired license after police saw this pop star racing in his yellow Lamborghini against a red Ferrari in a residential area of Miami Beach. It was said that the cars were speeding at about 55 to 60 mph in a 30 mph zone. When the officer pulled Bieber's car over, he was not cooperating with the officer's instructions. First off, he was using poor language toward the officer as well as questioning the officer about why he had been pulled over and why the officer was even questioning him. He then ignored the police officer's request to keep his hands on the car while he did a cursory pat down for weapons. Bieber then stated I don’t have any weapons and asked the officer why he was searching him for weapons. The arrest report described Bieber as having a "flushed face, bloodshot eyes, and the odor of alcohol on his breath.” Bieber failed a sobriety test with a .04. That did not automatically make him a drunk driver, only if he were twenty-one or older. But since Justin was just nineteen, and he had been in Florida, they do have a zero tolerance for underage drinkers who drive. A BAC higher than .02 in Florida is an automatic license suspension. Bieber was arrested but then let go on a $2,500 bail. Recently Bieber made a $50,000 donation to a youth charity as part of a plea deal to settle his Miami drunk driving case.

  3. In 1995 a major court case took place, the OJ Simpson murder trial. At that time the current football player was accused for murdering his wife, Nicole brown Simpson. Simpson pleaded not guilty but the police had accumulated enough evidence indicating his guilt and got a warrant for his arrest. Under the agreement of OJ's lawyer and him, OJ was supposed to turn himself in on June 17th at ten in the morning, but ended up leaving his house in hopes of fleeing the country. Fortunately, the police found him and arrested him. Despite the large amounts of evidence the police had against him and the suspicions from many people OJ won the case but he was ordered to pay compensatory damages of $8.5 million and punitive damages of $25 million.

  4. A criminal trial that gained huge media attention was the Oscar Pistorius trial in South Africa. Oscar Pistorius is a famous Paralympian from South Africa who won multiple gold medals in previous Paralympics and even participated in the Olympics but did not fare as well. He is known as the fastest man on no legs due to his gold medals for running. He was arrested in February 2013 for the killing of his girlfriend Reeva when he shot a gun at her through a bathroom door claiming that he thought somebody had broken in and he thought he was shooting at burglars, not his girlfriend. His story has received criticism and most everybody thinks that he wanted to kill his girlfriend and do not believe the burglar story. The story received the amount of media attention it did because Pistorius is a famous Paralympian and because of the weak story that he told investigators. One week ago, a jury found Pistorius not guilty of murder but found him guilty of culpable homicide because he did in fact kill her whether intentional or not. Whether or not he intentionally killed his girlfriend is still under contention and the world will never know the truth.

  5. One case that achieved a lot of media attention was the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. This gained a lot of attention because many children passed away and caused the school systems to become more strict about rules regarding visitors. This case helped open the eyes of officials regarding gun laws and restrictions that should be placed on purchasing and carrying guns in certain states. This can be seen at . This tragedy gained such a large amount of media attention because a young, white male killed innocent children at his leisure. The court case shed some light on the details of the shooter and his background relating to the case. He was wearing military clothing and brought multiple firearms into the building. He proceeded to shoot himself after he was finished to avoid consequences he would face. This tragedy will forever be remembered because of the many innocent lives taken by such a horrible man.

  6. Between 1989 and 1993 the killing spree of Joel Rifkin was under investigation. Joel Rifkin is a American serial killer who killed 17 women. He was born in 1959 and lived in East Meadow New York all his life. He was a man that was bullied as a child and left out. In 1989 he started to use prostitutes. This was also the time of his first killing. He would pick up these prostitutes and kill them in either his car or in his home where he lived with his mother and sister. Joel brought about huge attention on his murders. His last kill was in 1993 when he was pulled over for not having a rear license plate. At the time Joel had a dead body in his trunk. When the cops walked up to his car they smelt the body and searched the car. The police officers found a dead body in the trunk and arrested Joel.

  7. One case that got a lot of media attention was the Central Case Five in 1989. This case was about five black and Latino teenagers who were convicted for the brutal rape and beating of a female jogger. The media said that the gang left her bleeding, bound, nearly nude and unconscious in a remote area at the north end of the park, where she was found by two other joggers at 1:30 a.m. She was taken to the hospital were the doctors said that she had suffered massive brain damage. The case was later overturned have agreed to a settlement of about $40 million from New York City to resolve a bitterly fought civil rights lawsuit over their arrests and imprisonment in the sensational crime. This case gained a lot of media attention because she was a innocent female.

  8. A case that got a lot of attention from media was the shooting of Trayvon Martin. The shooting was on February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida. The suspected shooter was George Zimmerman. This got a lot of attention because Trayvon was only 17 years old. He only weighed about 140 pounds while Zimmerman weighed well over 200 pounds. Zimmerman used self defense as his defense in court. Zimmerman followed Trayvon because he thought Trayvon was up to no good. He was told not to on the phone with the cops. This is why the defense was questionable.

  9. Back in 2009 the man now notorious with the word ponzi scheme Bernie Madoff was arrested. However ever the damage he had done over the years still to this day bare their ugly marks on the economy. In the 1970's began his ponzi scheme with his security enterprise. For those who are unsure what a ponzi scheme is it is a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors. This highly illegal form of fraud ruined the lives of many wealthy individuals. The scheme was found out after years of investigation by the FBI.
    Though arrested Madoff of admitted one last thing, which was that he lost $50 million of the money from the investors. This led to suicides across the globe. On March 12,2009 Madoff pled guilty to all 11 charges he faced including 3 counts of money laundering, perjury, security fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, false statements, false filings with the US SEC, and theft from an employee benefit plan. It is estimated that over $170 billion moved through Madoff's account. He was sentenced to 150 years in prison the max that can be given to a defendant of his age.

  10. On October 12, 1978, Sid Vicious, bassist of the Sex Pistols, stabbed his girlfriend, Nancy Spungen, and ended up killing her on the floor of their hotel bathroom. Sid Vicious was a known heroin addict and seemed to be abusing said substance when he went out in the hallway muttering, "I killed her...I can't live without her," and "She must have fallen on the knife." Vicious was arrested later that night and was charged with second-degree homicide. After hearing the news of Sid Vicoious' girlfriend's death, the Sex Pistols' fans, who called themselves "Punks," were distraught. Their fans saw Sid as nothing less than the embodiment of the punk philosophy. His spiked hair, motorcycle jacket, and trademark dog chain and padlock around his neck added to the image. The world saw his love tragic, and named the couple, "The Punk Romeo and Juliet." It was known between family and friends that the couple beat each other, so it was possible that Sid stabbed his girlfriend in a fit of rage. However, it's also possible that the couple made a suicide pact and Sid didn't live up to his end of the bargain, after being so high. To the many tragic mysteries, the world may never know what truly happened.

  11. In 1994, the bodies of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman were found dead in Brentwood, Los Angeles. This is what lead to the infamous O.J. Simpson trial. In 1992 Nicole Brown Simpson filed for divorce with O.J. She claimed that he physically abused her during their marriage which is what led him to be a suspect of the murder. When police went after him, he fled to his mansion in disguise which was in a televized slow speed chase. When he was finally caught he went to court and pleaded not guilty. The trial lasted 9 months in which he had 11 lawyers defending him which coated over 20 million dollars. This case got so much public attention because he was a well-liked former professional football player. He was eventually found not guilty which I think is whack. He is currently in prison for armed robbery and assault.


  12. A recent criminal case that gained a great deal of media attention was that of Pro Football player Adrian Peterson. In the midst of the Ray Rice and Greg Hardy cases both dealing with domestic violence and the NFL no longer being able to look the other way, Peterson grabbed a tree branch -- which he consistently referred to as a 'switch' -- removed the leaves and struck his child repeatedly. He was then indicted on charges of reckless or negligent injury to a child. In an opinion piece, the writer wrote that Peterson said hitting his son with a branch was consistent with his own childhood. This case garnered a lot of media attention because of situations such as Rice, Hardy, and others that have recently surfaced. In addition, the explosion of social media such as Twitter and Facebook makes it difficult for these cases to escape the glare of the public eye. Peterson's team, the Minnesota Vikings placed him on the NFL exempt list, which means he is barred from all team activities, but will still get paid.The NFL is now taking a closer look at their policy for these situations. Does violence on the football field lead to violence at home?


  13. The BTK killer was a murderer who went around Witchita, Kansas killing many people. His spree was from 1974-1991 where he killed 10 people that are known of. BTK stands for bind kill and torchure, his technique to killing all the people he killed. BTKs first murder was strangeling 4 members of the Otero family. BTK loved the media attention and would send letters into newspapers mocking the investigation. After his spree there was nothing to be heard of from BTK until 2004 when he resurfaced and send a floppy disk to media where investigators were able to trace the disc back to a man named Dennis Rader. He confessed to being BTK and to all the murderers and was sentences to 9 life terms in prison.

  14. The story that shocked and disturbed the whole country, The News covered every moment of this horrific case also known as the “Cleveland House of Horrors.” It all started April 23, 2003 Amanda Berry was working at her local Burger King, It was just a normal night for Amanda, her birthday was April 24th…she was turning seventeen. What she didn’t know was that night would be an unforgettable nightmare, and she would not see her family or friends for a decade. On her walk home from work Amanda was lured into Ariel Castro’s vehicle a guy people knew in the neighborhood, he was an average man no one thought anything bad of him. But what people didn’t know was inside of his house he held three young girls hostage and captive for years. Throughout the period in which Amanda and the other two girls were captive they all encountered severe sexual and physical abuse daily. In Which Amanda conceived a baby with him. Also the girls were often locked up in the basement with chains around them restricting their every movement so Ariel could control them. What makes this story so moving is on the night of May 6th, 2013 around ten years after she had been kidnapped Amanda built up the courage and strength to escape from her prison. The front door in which she was trying to be liberated from was locked, Amanda screamed for help and was faced with a guy who later would be known as a hero in this story the man himself Charles Ramsey who helped Amanda escape by breaking the door down. Charles was covered in the media heavily as brave. The most heartbreaking quote from this case is moments after Amanda was freed from Ariel’s house. She called 911 and said the following "Help me, I'm Amanda Berry. ... I've been kidnapped and I've been missing for 10 years, and I'm, I'm here. I'm free now." That line tore everyone into pieces. Police then arrested Ariel, and the other girls held captive were liberated from this horrifying nightmare they endured. Ariel had three hundred and twenty nine charges, including one hundred and seventy seven counts of kidnapping, one hundred and thirty nine counts of rape, and two counts of aggravated murder for forcing abortions. In the month of July 2013 he pleaded guilty and in August Ariel was sentenced to life in prison plus one thousand years. Later that September Ariel was found dead in his cell in which he had hanged himself with a bed sheet.

  15. In recent news Arizona Cardinals running back Jonathan Dwyer was arrested for two separate incidents. These two altercations happened on July 21,and 22, both on family members. The two altercations were that he beat his wife and 18 month child. Jonathan Dwyer is now facing five charges such as, one count of aggravated assault causing a fracture, one count of aggravated assault involving a minor, two counts of criminal damage and one count of preventing someone from calling 911. Over the course of the NFL's offseason multiple players are facing possible suspensions and maybe jail time for their action. Such as Ray Rice, Greg Hardy, Adrian Peterson, Ray McDonald, and now Jonathan Dwyer. The NFL has yet to take any action against any of these player except Ray Rice, who got suspended for two games. It bothers many people that the NFL has not put any sort of discipline on these players who have not only violated league rules, but also broke many federal laws.

  16. Throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s, O.J. Simpson was a very well-known celebrity/athlete with the United States. Everyone knew who he was. He was an all American football player who played for mostly for the Buffalo Bills and the San Francisco 49ers. But on June 12th, 1994. O.J.’s ex-wife Nicole Brown and her good friend Ronald Goldman were found brutally murdered, blood splattered everywhere outside the Brown residence. Right away this case caught media and social attention and soon became known as “The trial of the century”. O.J. Simpsons DNA was found at the crime scene, highly supporting the O.J. was involved in committing the murders. This was very crucial in that there WAS evidence at the crime scene pointing directly at Mr. Simpson. Some of the evidence included was bloody footprints of shoes that matched shoes Mr. Simpson owned and also samples of his hair were found both on the bodies and crime scene. With having these key evidences, there was no question that he, O.J. Simpson committed the murders. After many months, 12 juries came to a verdict. O.J. Simpson was found not guilty. Society was stunned, they couldn’t believe that he famous football star/celebrity got away with murder. The trial was so obvious, so in your face that no one could believe that he was found not guilty. The trial was covered all around the United Sates, people were glued to their televisions and to finally find out that he was “innocent”, outraged many people. I feel that this trial caused a lot of media attention because there was such a certainty that O.J. did murder those two victims and to be found not guilty was absurd and I think it also set a base line for many other trials to come in the future.

  17. The case that everyone remembers if they were alive at that time is obviously the case of O.J. Simpson. O.J. was one of the most prominent names back in the 80s and 90s as an NFL player on the 49ers and Bill's. But one day, Nicole Brown, his ex wife and her friend Ronald Goldman we found dead. It was a huge deal because it was a house hold name being accused of murder. The trial was televised and everyone tuned in to watch it. It was also a big topic because he was found not guilty after having hard evidence proving he was in fact the one who killed them. People were dumbfounded on how he got away with murdering these two innocent people. Even after it aired on television 20 years ago, it is still one of the most talked about events in history.


  18. Jack the Ripper is one of the most popular cases in England, that is still talked about today. It all began in August 1888 with the multiple murders of prostitutes in the Whitechaple district of London. These murders were extremely graphic and violent in nature and were things no one had ever seen. These murders had huge media coverage at the time, as British newspapers had article upon article whenever a murder occurred. Besides the gruesome nature of the murders, another alluring factor for the public was the fact Jacks identity was a mystery and always avoided capture by the police. This made people want to read up on the cases and talk about them. Jack the Ripper is still in a lot of media within recent years. Some examples are Star Trek where Jack the Ripper is portrayed as actually being an alien, and a show named Black Butler where Jack the Ripper is actually part of a super natural group that reevaluates peoples lives when they pass going who went against the code.


  19. A great example of a criminal case that attracted a lot of media attention is the Ray Rice domestic violence assault. In feburary Ray Rice hit his then fiancé and knocked her out. Ray Rice was a professional football player, but after this altercation with his fiancé he was banned from the NFL. The altercation took place on an elivator in Atlantic city. After the abuse be dragged her out of the elivator. Ray Rice and the NFL player union are appealing the lifetime band from the NFL. The NFL has been trying to clean up. There has been one other incident of domestic violence in the NFL the past month involving Adrian Petterson. The NFL have set new rules involving domestic violence and the punishment. Ray Rice's domestic violence case got a lot of media attention.


  20. One criminal case that I found interesting and gained a lot of media attention was about a man named John Wayne Gacy. He was also known as pogo the clown. Mr. Gacy would dress up as a clown and work at kid's birthday parties. He was convicted of sexually assaulting and murdering about 30 boys in the 1970's. He would murder all of his victims by strangling them and then would sexually assault them. He would then bury all of his victims in his own home. Between December 22nd and December 29th of 1978, the police had obtained a warrant to search through Gacy's home and had recovered 27 of the bodies that Mr. Gacy kept in his home. He was brought to trial and was sentenced to death for 12 of the killings on March 13th, 1980. He spent 14 years on death row before he was killed by lethal injection at the Stateville Correctional Center on May 10th, 1994. I think this man should have been killed much sooner than he was. A man that was convicted of those crimes should not have spent 14 years on death row. He should have been put to death immediately for the horrible things he did.


  21. A Criminal trial that got a lot of media attention was the trial of George Zimmerman and the murder of Trayvon Martin. George Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch member and he spotted a black male, Trayvon. He called 911 and he was told not to do anything. He than said that Martin punched him and knocked him to the ground, than started to slam his head against the ground. Zimmerman then drew his gun and shot Trayvon in the chest killing him. This case got a lot of attention because a lot of the black community thinks it was a hate crime because of Trayvon's race. They believe that Trayvon did nothing wrong and that Zimmerman shot him just because he was a black male.

  22. One case that gained huge media attention was the George Zimmerman case. Zimmerman was accused of murdering of Trayvon Martin. The killing of Trayvon Martin was walking through Zimmerman's neighborhood on February 26, 2012. George Zimmerman being a part of the Neighborhood Watch went to investigate this strange boy walking through his neighborhood. An altercation between Zimmerman and Martin ensued and ended with Martin being having bruises and cuts on his body and Martin dead. Zimmerman was arrested and charged with the murder of Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman claims that he shot Martin out of self defense. The plaintiff said that Zimmerman purposely pursed Martin due to him wearing a hoodie and was an African American male. They believed that Zimmerman was racially profiling Martin and deliberately started the altercation. This is why this case caused so much attention. Racism and civil rights in this country were put into question. The case also caused a lot of media attention when the verdict came out and Zimmerman was found to be not guilty. Many civil rights activists were enraged and thought that Zimmerman started a fight with a defenseless 17 year old black male due to him being in his neighborhood and being African American. They believed that the jury had gotten the verdict wrong. The media took advantage of this and broadcasted this issue because many believe that racial equality is full in this day and age but after this trial many started to question is racism really eradicated from society or not.

  23. one trial that gained a lot of media attention was the ray lewis trial of 2002 Ray Lewis was out with a group of people who beat and killed to death. one thing that made t\rial interesting was the public misconseptions of the the trial. one mis conseption was ray refused to testify against his friend. the truth to the story is that ray openly testified against his friend. another misconception ray lewis friend went to jail for him this is not true because noone in the case went to jail. lastly a lot of people thought ray was envolved in the murder even though he was not in the fight ware some one was killed
