Monday, November 24, 2014


Satire Defined


  1. This particular Family Guy scene displays satire at its finest, the clip shows Lowis Griffin and another politician running for an election. The Politian running against Lowis is basically saying bogus irrelevant responses to the public’s questions and the public love him. Lowis doesn’t understand why he’s gaining so much admiration for saying nothing about politics. So she does the same thing and the audience was nuts for simple one word answers. This clip is very comical but it’s addressing a serious topic. I also believe this represents the average undecided American voter extremely well as do others. It’s sad that this clip is becoming reality because we need to be educated and support smart politicians that will make changes.


  2. This specific family guy scene depicts the reason for all religious wars in a satirical way. The three men are arguing/stating why they don’t like each other. The first characters say the same thing “I like you and have no reason not to” meaning that religious wars are often absurd and for no apparent reason leading in obscenity violence. The satirical part is when the third guy joins the little talk and says an abstract statement the causes the death of the three characters, they all stab each other and die. It’s a significant topic that people are very passionate about and Family Guy does as always a good job at creating satire. Religious wars is the topic that’s being used as satire in the clip.

