Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Spring Semester Introductions


  1. Good evening one and all. My name is ILANA and I Lady of time, have a deep interest for the media. It impacts how we take in every day life giving us this guide to not mess up but that is where they're wrong. The media in general takes wild turns that lead to corruption and I feel it is up to me to find the cracks in this statue and prove it for the phony illusion it projects. I took Monsters in Literature two years ago and it applies to the same theme; One must not judge a book by its cover. The media is always changing its cover to impress but it's still the same story. This is where the media will find its truest monster. I am fond of writing and therefore writing blogs will be fantastic. If I could I'd write a whole novel on this moral theme I live by. To me this class takes the concepts of the English language and everything having to do with logic and flip it on its side. That is what I wish to do.

  2. My name is Cristobal Maloco, I am 18 years old and going into the field of computers in college. Social media plays a big role in everyone's life in this generation. Youth and adults. It affects who we are and what makes us. I am taking this class because it caught my eye compared to other english classes that I could of chosen from. It seemed like a class that I would enjoy instead of reading books like every other english class.

  3. Hey, everyone, my name is Doug, and I am currently enlisted the Navy. I get deployed in July to be a seabee mechanic and I'm extremely excited to be deployed. I took media studies because I thought it would be a cool class to take senior year. A lot of friends told me it would be a fun class, so I figured why not, and here I am. So far it's been a pretty chill class and I have no complaints, and I hope to get to know you all better over the coming semester. Go Navy, hooyah!

  4. Hello everyone My name is Dom. I am committed for lacrosse to Bard college. I will be studying biology for a pre-med track there and hope to get into med school after that. Once in med school I hope to specialize in anesthesiology. I took this class because I like to use social media and watch the news so I thought it would a good idea to take a class about it. So far the class has been very interesting and I am enjoining it.


    The events that occurred in Ferguson are very controversial and a heated point of debate for many Americans. Although meany people disagree with the verdict most people feel that the response in the town was much to drastic. the rioting and vandalizing that took place after the verdict was both pointless and unnecessary, because no amount of rioting could change the outcome. The destruction the riots caused to the community simply made things more difficult for all involved and led to further sensationalism by the media .
