Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Elections 2016


  1. Lauren - In the 2016 presidential election I think that I would vote for Marco Rubio. Rubio believes that our government has to do more to stop ISIS. This terrorist organization has already caused countless acts of violence that need to be stopped. Rubio wants to do more to insure they are stopped. He is also in favor of ending common core. I also that education is a right that is reserved to the states. The federal government does not have the right to intervene in this matter. Finally, Rubio wants to reign in government spending. He wants to prevent the national debt from getting any bigger. I believe that the government should not spend money that it doesn't have. Marco Rubio shares many of my ideological beliefs.

  2. Jimmy- In the 2016 election I think that I would vote for Donald Trump for now. The reason why I pick him over any of the other candidates is because he isn't afraid of voicing his opinion. My family is also republican so that would rule out any of the democrats that are running. Donald Trump is also known for making himself known and is by far the most popular person running besides maybe Hillary Clinton. He wants to lower the unemployment rate and I actually think that he would be able to do that. He wants to get rid of Common Core which would be a great idea because in my opinion, Common Core is not a good way to teach childern. He also wants to invest in making US nuclear weapons up to date because the enemies are only getting stronger and stronger as time goes on. I also believe that nobody would be harder on ISIS than Donald Trump. He just seems to be the type of man to do well at those types of things. Hopefully I'm not wrong about any of this. My opinions are not set in stone yet so they may change in the future.

  3. In the 2016 election, I believe that I should not vote.I am really not to involved with all of the political stuff, even though I should be. I feel as I shouldn't make a vote that could change a lot when I don't know much about what is going on with them. Even though I watch the debates and I try to stay up to date it's something that I just am not interested in it. It's not that I don't know anything about the presidential election or whose in it because I do, I just don't know who I would vote for. Therefore, I will not be voting in the 2016 presidential election.

  4. Sarah- In the 2016 election, I will most likely be voting for Marco Rubio. Not only do his views on reducing the abortion in our country stand it to me, but also his outlook on medical marijuana. He believes that it shouldn't be legalized recreationally but only medically which I personally agree with. Rubio also wants to stop spending our countries money until we're in even more debt, he believes that we should not spend what we do not have. He also gives a good idea for sex offenders. Mandatory prison for life sentence. Another one of his views is to end common core because he believes it is unfair. One major reason I'd vote for Rubio is his foreign policy, He believes countries like Korea are run by a bunch of maniacs and communism needs to be stopped. He also hates ISIS and wants to do more to prevent it from getting worse. Lastly, he believes gun control laws shouldn't become stricter because either way, criminals will not listen and they will find their way to getting the guns anyways just like how many drugs are illegal and there's still drug trafficking. I may have a while, but Marco Rubio is definitely getting my vote.
