Thursday, December 17, 2015



  1. Holly-
    This episode of family guy featured a satirical scene that made a joke about Anne Frank and the Holocaust. Peter was describing about a time where he accidentally revealed the Frank's hiding spot to the Nazis because he was eating too loud. This is an example of satire because the Holocaust was a serious tragedy that was being joked about in this episode. This particular episode did not use satire to bring awareness to the issue but instead to joke about it and make it humorous. I believe that the Holocaust should not be joked about on television because it is a sensitive issue to many people. Anyone who was affected by that genocide in any way may find it more difficult to find a joke like that to be funny. Although I was not personally affected by this, I would understand how this created such an uproar and a media frenzy.

  2. Emily- Many scenes in the tv show Family Guy show satire. Using satire, people's views and mannerisms can be made fun of in a humorous way. One scene in Family Guy consists of an asian women driving a car on a busy highway. The women cuts off many people when merging, causing a huge car pile up and many accidents. The satire is making fun of asians and depicting them in a way that says they cannot drive. In the link below, there are many examples of satire, including the asian women driving recklessly.

  3. An example of South Park’s satire is the episode “Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow”. In this episode, Stan and Cartman, two of the main characters of the show, accidently destroy the world’s largest beaver damn, which subsequently floods the nearby town. The two agree to tell no one, rather decide let the whole situation work itself out. Unfortunately, no one seems to be willing to help the men and women of the flooded town. When Stan asks his dad why no one has gone to their aid, his dad, Randy, answers, “That’s not important right now, son. What’s important is figuring out whose fault this is.” That simple sentence perfectly summarizes a common attitude taken towards many situations these days. The people spend so much time trying to find out who’s to blame no one actually gets around to solving the problem.

  4. Lauren -
    One example of satire would be this political cartoon. It shows the three democratic presidential candidates. It shows Hillary Clinton in the middle being crowned the winner after every debate. Bernie Sanders is on the left and Martin O'Malley on the right coming in second and third place respectively. They are making fun of the serious topic such as the presidential race by depicting it as not even a race. Hillary Clinton always wins the debates and is so far ahead in the polls that she is almost guaranteed to be the democratic nominee. The cartoon also exaggerates the candidates physical features. This cartoon does not seem to offend anyone except maybe Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley supporters.

  5. Jimmy- There is an episode of Family Guy which covers the issue of domestic violence. Peter's friend Quagmire finds out that his sister Brenda has been physically and mentally abused by her boyfriend Jeff. This, of course, greatly upsetted Quagmire and his friends. Peter, Quagmire and Joe try to think of ways to save Brenda. However the only way to guarantee stopping further harm is by killing Jeff. Quagmire ended up killing Jeff by running him over with his car. This episode was not well recieved because many people saw domestic abuse as a touchy subject. It was portrayed in a serious matter while also having comedy to it.

  6. Sabrina- There is a satirical episode of family guy about Bruce Jenner becoming a women. In this episode his character is seen dancing and singing on stage as a woman would. Also wearing a pink scarf and very short shorts for a man. Stewie makes remarks about Bruce Jenner birthing children and having a female anatomy. Brian tries to correct him and Stewie says that the media told him that he was a female. The most ironic part of this episode is that it aired several years before Bruce Jenner decide to began and complete the transformation of becoming a women, and being Transgender.

  7. Sabrina- There is a satirical episode of family guy about Bruce Jenner becoming a women. In this episode his character is seen dancing and singing on stage as a woman would. Also wearing a pink scarf and very short shorts for a man. Stewie makes remarks about Bruce Jenner birthing children and having a female anatomy. Brian tries to correct him and Stewie says that the media told him that he was a female. The most ironic part of this episode is that it aired several years before Bruce Jenner decide to began and complete the transformation of becoming a women, and being Transgender.
