Friday, September 4, 2015

Fall 2015 Introductions


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  6. I am a high school student who will be turning 18 in January. After high school, I am most likely moving to Florida and will attend college there. Although my parents are seperated, I am lucky to say that the both of them are taking Florida into consideration. I'm not positive as to which school I would like to apply to, but I am interested in studying accounting. Math is my best subject because I find it easy once I get the answer. I took Media Studies for my English credit because using computers and electronics comes very easy to me. I like learning about new technology and other ways to communicate with others by the use of media. I regularly use my cell phone and social media to communicate and share my thoughts with my friends. I also took Web Design I this year because like i said, working with computers comes easy to me. I can definitely see myself working with computers if accounting does not work out for me.

  7. I am a senior at MacArthur High School. This is a very exciting time not only because it is my last year of high school, but also because I will be beginning the process of applying to colleges. I participate in many clubs at MacArthur such as Key Club, Autism Awareness Committee, Drama Club and several honor societies. I am also the treasurer of the Tri-M Music Honor Society. I am happy that I am enrolled in Media Studies this year. I strongly believe that media influences us every day and it is important that everyone learns as much as they can about it. I consider myself to be up-to-date with all things technology and social media, but I am always willing to learn something new.

  8. I'm a senior at MacArthur High School. While this year is going to be a very exciting year for me, it's also going to hold many challenges. I know I will be excited this year because it's my last year of High School and there will be a lot of fun and special memories. However, I still have to decide on a career path and which college will be the best fit for me. One thing I'm thinking about studying in college is Engineering. The sports I'm actively involved in are ice hockey, lacrosse, and surfing. Last year I got my lifeguard certification and I now work for as a lifeguard for a local camp. I chose media studies because I use all types of media everyday. I think that media is a huge way of communicating now and into our future.

  9. Finally, the day has come. My last year at MacArthur high school. I have so many mixed emotions about graduating. One second I am very nervous to graduate because of the unknown, but at the same time I'm excited for a new beginning. This year has lots in store for me and I couldn't be happier. I am interested in nursing, and may want to study that in college. I love to help people and I think it would be great to do it professionally. I chose media studies as an elective because technology is becoming a bigger role in our society each and every day. I am very interested in learning how everything ties together.

  10. I am a senior at MacArthur high school. Already this school year is exciting and there will be more to come. I am starting the college application process and starting to decide what career path I want to go into. I wish to go into the Air Force after college and then work in the government after. In school, I am on the Track & Field team and a member of the National Honor Society. I chose this class because the media is constantly involved in our lives. Whether one likes it or not, everything that happens is instantly on the media, whether the T.V. or the internet. It seems interesting to learn the full extent to how media influence our lives.

  11. I have finally made it to senior year, I have been waiting for this year for a while. The college searching process is in full force now. I want to major in something that has to do with production because that's what I've always been interested in. I have been a part of the Key Club and the Drama Club and I am planning on joining even more this year. I chose Media Studies as a class because it seemed like something that would be very interesting and so far it is! I'm excited to see where this school year will take me and all of my classmates and I also can't wait to see how college will turn out for me. I will have to try my hardest this year to be a worthy candidate for the colleges I want to go to.

  12. I am finally a senior at MacArthur Highschool! I have been waiting for so long for this moment, watching my sisters grow up and graduate and now it is my turn. I can't wait for what's in store for me this year. The college search has begun and it is so stressful. Thankfully there are many websites that help me out by narrowing down which colleges are right for me. When I graduate I would like to become a nurse. When I do get my nursing degree I want to specialize in maternity nursing. There's no one I enjoy more than little cute babies. I am currently taking media studies and couldn't be more excited because me and my phone are attached at the hip. I can't wait for this year!

  13. After 13 long years I am almost done with school. I'm not exactly looking forward to this year, as I have no idea how good or how bad it's going to be, but I'm confident that things will work out. I plan on going to a SUNY college but don't have a good idea on which one specifically, hopefully one not crazy far. That's one of the reasons that being in this class will be useful since I'm assuming everyone else is in a similar boat. I want to work towards becoming a programmer since I'm a pretty big fan of messing around on computers. With proper skills, you can do pretty much anything on a computer and connect it with the whole world, which I suppose is another big part of why this class is useful. Social Media is a part of my life and soon, if not now, it will be a part of everyone's lives. I hope that I can rest easy next summer vacation after this long school year is over.

  14. This year I am a senior at MacArthur high school and I am 17 years old. I'm very focused this year to boost up my grades to have a better chance of getting into colleges I plan on going to. I want to study psychology and I want to go to either SUNY Plattsburgh or SUNY Binghamton. I feel like they'd be good colleges because they're in state and cheap but far enough where I'm not too close. I took media studies this year because I'm a person who likes to be very involved in what's currently going on in the world and social media. I love to read the paper and read online articles about celebrities or anything. I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for me.
