Thursday, October 29, 2015

Chosen Research: Explain your Thesis


  1. I am researching the effects of mental health and gun violence in America. Today, gun control laws have become stricter throughout the country. However, there are still cases of mass murders due to those with mental illnesses getting a hold of a weapon. It is sickening and outrageous how there is a great amount of gun violence in numerous areas around the world due to untreated mental illness. We cannot possibly let a person get away with murder just because of a mental illness. I chose this topic to research because i feel strongly about stricter gun control procedures and believe that there i a direct correlation with mental illness and violence. I think there should be a more effective way to ensure that those who are given the right to bear arms will be safe and use it for the right purposes.

  2. For this commentary I will be researching gun violence in schools and how it can be combated. It is too easy for students to commit acts of violence with weapons in schools throughout America. A new system must be created and implemented throughout America in order to combat this kind of preventable violence. I hope to find evidence about schools that have a successful program that has drastically decreased the amount of violence in that particular school. I hope my research will provide a clearer solution. This is a serious and important issue that affects me and millions of other teenagers. It directly relates to my life and is something I feel passionately about.

  3. I am researching gun control, I think that people who are on certain prescription medications should not be able to own or buy a gun. I chose this topic because gun control is such a big problem in the United States. There has been way to many gun related murders and school shootings because of guns. It has grown to be such a controversial issue on how to handle it. So I’m researching what I think is a big part to help solve this issue. People on certain prescription medications like antidepressants or medicine to help them control their mental illness should not be able to get a gun. These are signs that something bad might happen if they get control of a gun; people taking certain drugs to help their mental state should not have a gun.

  4. I will be researching the second amendment and how far it is enforced. I think that there should be a limit on how many weapons a person should own and who should own them. A background check is an obvious way of checking. But there should be more to it. I am going to be researching ways that people can enforce the second amendment better and also how it has been enforced in the past.

  5. For my commentary I am researching school shootings in america. The commentary will focus on the expansion of gun control laws. In order to decrease the amount of school shootings we have in this country. Our country has a long history with guns, given our second amendment states we have "the right to bear arms".Guns are here in order to protect people, but nothing has been done to decrease the amount of school shootings. So who is protecting the children of America? There have been 55 school shootings alone in 2015, so far. Since 2013, there have been 153 school shootings and counting! Our country must change or expand gun control laws in order for school shootings to stop.

  6. For my commentary I am researching the NRA, and how that is linked to gun violence. The NRA is an association that will allow you to have a gun under a valid NRA license. From my research and beliefs, there is no issue or link between the NRA and gun violence. We need to think is the real issue here the people who are permitted the guns and their mental state? There are many members of the NRA which where they don't have any violence records, and just use their guns to go to shooting ranges or to hunt. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

  7. Emily trudnak
    School shootings have become a serious issue in the United States. The wrong people are getting ahold of a gun and taking their anger out on innocent children. Mental illness is one major factor contributing to school shootings. Although the 2nd amendment gives all U.S. citizens the right to bear arms, the privelege has now been abused by those who are mentally ill. Behind every school shooting is a murderer that has a mental illness. It is awful that there has been 55 school shootings in the past twenty years. Mentally ill people are the cause of most school shootings and it is unfortunate how they have a gun readily available to shoot when they want to.
