Friday, December 4, 2015

Film in Popular Culture


  1. Holly-
    I decided to watch the movie Forrest Gump for my film assignment. This movie was released in 1994 and is based around an innocent, not-so-smart man in Alabama and the life of the 1970's. Some themes of this movie include love, tragedy, war, friendship and destiny. This movie is relevant to pop culture of the 70's by accurately displaying the Vietnam war, inequal treatment of the mentally ill, segregation, assasinations and the hippie movement. For example, Forrest did not meet requirements for his school, Jenny's father abused her and her sisters, the bus drivers smoked cigarettes with the children on the bus, and Jenny was at Washington D.C. for a peaceful protest. This movie was very popular for those who grew up in the 70's because many people could relate to the movie in some way and the Vietnam War interested many people. I chose to watch this movie because I was interested in studying how different life was back then and how it is today. I think a movie like Forrest Gump would be very interesting for someone who likes learning about war and be able to empathize with those of the 1970's.

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  3. Lauren
    For the film pop culture project, I chose the movie Forrest Gump. The theme of this movie is to live life and not give up on it. It is about managing the obstacles that one will face throughout his or her life. Forrest faces all these problems but pulls himself through them. I choose this movie because it has a lot of different aspects to it. Forrest does so many great things throughout his life such as meeting the president and fighting in the Vietnam War. This film reflects pop culture of the 1970s. It shows the different movements that occurred such as the opposition to the Vietnam War. It shows the values that they had as well. This movie shows events that were relevant and popular during the 1970s.

  4. Jimmy- I have chosen the movie Star Wars for my film pop culture assignment. This movie was released in 1977 and is about Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, captain of the Millennium Falcon, who work together with the companionable droid duo R2D2 and C-3PO to rescue princess Leia, help the Rebel Alliance, and restore freedom and justice to the galaxy. Some themes of Star Wars are Luck versus destiny and Training versus talent. I chose Star Wars because it caught my eye the most and it gives me an excuse to finally watch it. I have also wanted to see what all of the hype was about around it and to see if it lives up to the hype. This film series was relevent to popular culture in the 1970s and 1980s. One of the main reasons why it was so popular was because it was able to be enjoyed by a wide spectrum of people and was considered a cultural unifer. Many phrases from the movies have also become iconic such as: "May the Force be with you" and "Luke, I am your father." Science fiction in filn has often been influenced by and compared to Star Wars. This was the film that made science fiction films a blockbuster genre.

  5. Emily- I chose the movie The Call because it is interesting and the struggle the main character goes through can happen very easily today. The movie is thrilling to watch and keeps the viewer at the edge of their seats.Throughout the film, the audiance can hear the phone call of a girl who has been kidnapped as she is in the trunk of a car. I found it intetesting how quickly the girls location could be tracked with the helpful influence of media. Some important themes of the movie include guilt and death. The movie The Call represents pop culture because it is relevant to what can happen in todays society and shows how helpful the media can be in an emergency situation.

  6. Sarah- I chose the movie Hairpsray because it has to deal with serious events that happened in the 1960's that clearly shows pop culture. There are riots due to segregation issues in the media. Blacks were unhappy with the fact that their faces weren't allowed to be showed on television screens, or in any type of media. It also discriminated against the "overweight" side of America being on TV. They wanted the "skinny and beautiful" people which gave them a good reflection as to what their station was about. In the end of the film, the lead roles end up getting their rights to be heard and to be agreed on. This film clearly shows the aspects of pop culture.

  7. For my film media project I have chosen the musical Rent. Rent represents popular culture by showing the acceptance of homosexuality and love. The main theme throughout the musical is love. It shows the love knows no boudaries, no matter if it is between a man and a woman, a man and another man or two women. The musical spans over a whole year, with a group of friends struggling through hardships and celebrating good times too. Most of the main characters have AIDS but they are still accepted also showing society's pop culture. They are a group of misfits but they do not care, they are proud to be who they are.

  8. For my film media project I have chosen the musical Rent. Rent represents popular culture by showing the acceptance of homosexuality and love. The main theme throughout the musical is love. It shows the love knows no boudaries, no matter if it is between a man and a woman, a man and another man or two women. The musical spans over a whole year, with a group of friends struggling through hardships and celebrating good times too. Most of the main characters have AIDS but they are still accepted also showing society's pop culture. They are a group of misfits but they do not care, they are proud to be who they are.
