Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Prezi Point, Power Point, What's the Point?


  1. Holly- I don't have too much experience with Prezi Point, but I already am not a huge fan of this website. I find the directions to be very confusing and not self-explanatory at all. Throughout my years of school, I have used PowerPoint for almost everything. I think that anything more than PowerPoint is simply unnecessary because the powerpoint presentation lets you display as much as you need to. In PowerPoint, you have the ability to type facts, play audio, and display pictures. For someone who is unfamiliar with technology, such as an adult or elderly man or woman, a website such as Prezi Point may have "too much going on at once." From my personal experience, I would rather learn by the use of a PowerPoint presentation because when it is more simple and easy to read, I can absorb more information. Although, I think Prezi Point would be an excellent advancement for the future if more people, including myself, learned how to use it to its top potential.

  2. Emily- Prezi points and power points are easy ways to present a project, argument, or interest. I have used power points for many classes. Power points are very easy to use. With a power point, you can add sounds, transitions and photos to your slides! Prezi pount is very confusing and is going to take some getting used to! Prezi point definatly portrays information in a fun and more interesting way. I would be more intrigued and attentive when looking at a prezi point oppose to looking at a powerpoint.

  3. I don't know prezi point that well. I have seen teachers use it though. From my own experience prezi point is better than a regular boring power point. Power points are filled with notes we have to take down and during these power points I feel like the information is going through one ear and out of the other. I feel that prezi points are more amusing and hold my attention longer than power points do. I would use a prezi point over a power point every time. Both of these are for learning informatio but the prezi point is the way to go. - Matt

  4. Holly- I don't have too much experience with Prezi Point, but I already am not a huge fan of this website. I find the directions to be very confusing and not self-explanatory at all. Throughout my years of school, I have used PowerPoint for almost everything. I think that anything more than PowerPoint is simply unnecessary because the powerpoint presentation lets you display as much as you need to. In PowerPoint, you have the ability to type facts, play audio, and display pictures. For someone who is unfamiliar with technology, such as an adult or elderly man or woman, a website such as Prezi Point may have "too much going on at once." From my personal experience, I would rather learn by the use of a PowerPoint presentation because when it is more simple and easy to read, I can absorb more information. Although, I think Prezi Point would be an excellent advancement for the future if more people, including myself, learned how to use it to its top potential.

  5. Lauren - I have been using PowerPoint in every class for a very long time. Teachers find it very easy to display notes and information for their students to copy and learn from. I have made several PowerPoints for several different classes. It comes easy to me because I have been familiar with it for so long. It is similar to the other Microsoft Office programs. Prezi Point is another way to display information. I think that Prezi Point has too many unnecessary effects that tend to distract you from the information that is being displayed. It was meant to help keep you interested in what is being explained, but ends up taking away from the point. It is also frustrating to use Prezi Point because I am so used to PowerPoint and have been working with it for so long.

  6. Matt- Prezi and power points are both simple ways to express or present a certain topic, project, argument or like. I personally don't have that much experience with Prezi point but I have seen teachers use it before in class. I am also more comfortable with PowerPoint because it is something I've used for presentations since elementary school. I feel that both Prezi and power point are both very simple to use and easily understood but Prezi point is more interactive. Most PowerPoint presentations are just a boring slide filled with notes that we just copy down and don't really grasp the full idea of what we are supposed to. I also feel that Prezi points hold the attention of the class longer than power points because once you see a PowerPoint you know you're taking notes for the full period. Also I think power points are a better way of listing ideas or items and it is more simple to understand. However both Prezi and Power points are both great ways of learning different information even though both are done and used in different ways.

  7. John- I think the prezi point is the “new thing.” I just started using prezi point last year so I don’t know a lot about it. I think that prezi point has its goods and bads. Some goods are that it catches peoples eye and gets their attention because you can really customize it. You can choose from your type of background/theme. Although you can do so much with prezi point it takes a while to learn what to do because their are no tutorials to show you how to do things. Also for prezi point you can’t download it on your computer so you can’t use it anywhere, you need Internet connection. On the other hand power point is a lot easier for people to use because there really isn’t a lot you can do on it, it’s easy and simple. Especially since it’s been around a lot longer than prezi point. Power point is also downloaded on your computer so you can use it anywhere.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Victor~ So, Power Point and Prezi. About thirty minutes of experience with Prezi versus almost my entire life with Power Point. I could cop out and just say that I can't make a good opinion off of something I've only been using for so long, but I guess I'll try it. Prezi seems more flexible overall but it's somewhat confusing. I'm not familiar with the interface but that seems to only come from a lack of experience so that should pass over soon enough. I like all of the different layouts and samples but I'm not sure if you can customize it to have a specific elements from the samples. Power point is infinitely easier to use but that's only because there's barely anything to do on it. It's just panels with different colors and small effects added to it that makes it looks so primitive. But despite all of that, I still would choose Power Point over Prezi, but only because I have no idea what I'm doing.

  10. Jimmy- Recently, my Media Studies class and I have discovered a website called Prezi Point. To be honest, I don't like it at all. The interface is confusing, none of the templates particularly catch my eye, and I just think that using Power Point would be much more efficient. It's not easy for beginners to start working. Meanwhile, Power Point is very easy for people to start working. I think that there are a lot of ways for them to improve it. Making it easier for beginners to use would be a start. Making more template options would also be very nice. Overall, I think it has potential but as of right now, I don't think it's worth anyone's time.

  11. Sabrina- Personally I dislike Prezi Point. I find the instructions to be very vague and the site as a whole to be complicated. Although they do catch the eye of the audience, Prezi Point is not for me. Power points are much less complicated. Many people cringe when they hear the words "power point", but they can be just as interesting as a prezi points. You just have to know how to make it your own. They aren't meant for paragraphs of information. Power Points and Prezi Points are meant to highlight "key points". They should spark the interest of the reader, not put them to sleep.

  12. Siara- I have enjoyed looking at prezi point but it is something that I'm not familiar with. I enjoy using power points because I know how to work it and I know all the ins and outs. Prezi point seems like fun and something that could keep the crowd entertained, but I'm not quiet sure how to use it yet. The instructions were hard to explain and I'm not sure how it works. I like power points because it's been something I have been using for years now, I'm not saying that I don't like prezi point I will just have to get used to it. I like how prezi point has many different themes you could choose from. I haven't decided which program I like more I will have to get to know prezi point. I think that a power point will keep more people entertained because you could add animations and music and make it fun.

  13. Rainier- Prezi point is a new way to present information and keep the audience interested. It provides more visual effects and more interaction than PowerPoint. Although a good idea, it does not prove better than PowerPoint. To make a prezi point, the process to edit templates is difficult especially when trying to use it with a free account, when they promote the paid, monthly service. PowerPoint proves superior because one can make it just as interesting with some effort. Most people know how to use PowerPoint due to the user friendliness and it's easier to manipulate and present information in a great way. Most of the time if PowerPoints aren't interesting, it's due to the person making the PowerPoints, not the program itself. Prezi point offers a great idea, but it is not used effectively, especially if one does not have the monthly subscription service.

  14. Sarah- Prezi points are something that can definitely be useful but in my own opinion power points will always be the better route. It has better features to make your presentation more exciting. It also is less confusing, everything's mostly always one click away. On Prezi point you seem to always be losing your work because of not saving right away. Also, power point is what we've used for use in school so we are used to it.
