Friday, September 18, 2015

Media Frenzy (Circus)

Blog about a person or event that created a media circus or a social media frenzy.  Choose something we did not discuss in class and remember to cite your sources.  Use your first name ONLY to begin your blog.


  1. Lauren - The O. J. Simpson murder case was a criminal trial held at the Los Angeles County Superior Court in California. The trial lasted 2 years (1994-1995). The former professional football player and actor O.J. Simpson was tried on two counts of murder after the deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and waiter Ronald Lyle Goldman, in June 1994. The case has been described as the most publicized criminal trial in American history. Simpson was acquitted after a trial that lasted more than eight months. This story created media frenzy because the whole country believed that he was guilty and was outraged when the jury decided that he was not guilty. He hired the best defense team at the time and they were able to create doubt in the jurors’ minds. The media depicted him as a criminal throughout the entire trial which added to the world's outrage when he was found not guilty. Simpson was well known in the country to begin with due to his careers, which made the trial even more interesting. This trial created a huge media circus in America.


  2. Holly- Kylie Jenner is famous for being featured on the reality TV show, "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," in which her family is recorded due to their fame and popularity. Because of the show, viewers have been able to watch Kylie and her sister Kendall grow up, due to the use of media coverage. Today, media coverage gives much attention to Kylie due to recent changes in her face because of plastic surgery. Kylie's face alterations and lip-fillers have caused much controversy with social media. Kylie Jenner has been created into a media frenzy, like her family, because not everyone agrees with her decisions. There has been an increase in the number of teens undergoing plastic surgery because her pictures being shared all over the internet. Many people follow this story because it goes against the other popular media issue on how young girls should be comfortable with their appearance. The media loves focusing on Kylie because everyone is waiting to see what shocking and outraging things her and her family will do next. Kylie Jenner will still continue to be a media frenzy, even after the plastic surgery situation dies down.


  3. John- The outbreak of Ebola has sent a crazy media frenzy throughout the United States. This was a disease that started in West Africa. This disease is both air born and deadly. It spread rapidly through Africa, eventually reaching the United States. Thomas Eric Duncan was the first person to contact this disease in the United States. This disease caused a media frenzy because of fear. Because of this fear people felt unsafe. It was a perfect setting for a media frenzy. The media just attacked this story as the people wanted to know more information on what was happening.



  4. An example of media frenzy would be Victoria Beckh. These past weeks, the well known fashion show, New York Fashion Week took place. Here Victoria Beckham showcased her new line of clothing to the public. In this fashion show she used "anorexic looking" models. This caused a media frenzy, by promoting young teens that being super skinny is appealing to others. Many news reporters touched this subject which made it spread more. In this day in age, the world is seeing that plus size models are just as beautiful as size zero models, but Victoria Beckham did not display this. She showed young girls that in order to be attractive you need to be home thin, but this is not how "attractive" should be portrayed.

  5. Jimmy-Donald Trump running for president has causes major controversy with the media. With the most recent presidential debete he got the majority of the polls with Carly Fiorina at a close second. Donald Trump tells Savannah Guthrie he's "never had a problem with Muslims," and reiterated his belief that it's not his "obligation" to defend President Obama's faith and citizenship. Trump has been dogged recently by his failure to correct a campaign supporter who incorrectly called President Obama both a Muslim and "not an American" citizen. A new CNN/ORC poll shows Trump's ratings, while still ahead of more than a dozen Republican candidates, taking its biggest drop so far in the campaign. It also shows rival Carly Fiorina surging to second, in large part because of her strong performance during Wednesday's debate, where she repeatedly took on Trump on various topics. She had a point with most of those but Trump has made some excellent points regarding Fiorina and mistakes that she has made in the past. This time in a long time that this many people are talking about a certain candidate. Donald Trump seems to be the most popular so far.


  6. Rainier- Deflategate was a football scandal in the American Football Conference Championship game. In the game between the New England Patriots and the Indianapolis Colts, the patriots won the game 45-7. Although, the Patriots were accused of tampering with the balls so that they would be under-inflated and make the ball easier to hold, catch, and throw. The quarterback, Tom Brady, faced 4 game suspensions in the regular 2015 season even though there was no sufficient proof to convict him. This scandal caused a huge media frenzy. All the media covered was this scandal and nothing else. Something that seems very trivial and doesn't really require extensive coverage was blown up. Tom Brady was villainized even though there was no sufficient evidence showing that he was guilty. Since football plays a huge role in American culture, this scandal seemed more important than issues dealing with national security.

  7. Emily - ALS, also known as Lougehrig's disease effects the nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Last summer, millions of people heard about ALS. Pete Frates, a formal Boston college baseball player was diagnosed with ALS. He challanged friends and famous NFL players such as Tom Brady and Matt Ryan to take the ice bucket challenge. The challenge consisted of donating to the ALS Association, or else you had to pour a cold bucket of water on your head. After the famous football players took on the challenge, millions of people followed. The challenge was successful, raising $115 million. People all over the world posted videos on facebook and instagram taking on the challenge. The ice bucket challenge was a huge media frenzy that even Barrack Obama heard about. The ice bucket challenge raised awareness everywhere.

  8. In the 2014 AFC Championhip the New England patriots played the Indianapolis Colts. The New England Patriots cheated against them. The referees find ok when D'Qwell Jackson has an interception and handed the ball to the equipment manager. The league announced on May 11th, 2015, that it would suspend Patriots quarterback Tom Brady for four games of the upcoming 2015 regular season for his alleged part in the scandal. After the NFL commissioner Roger Goodrll upheld the suspension in an internal appeal, the matte was moved to federal court. On September 3rd, 2015, Judge Richard M. Berman vacated Goodell's four game suspension of Brady, holding the fairness and due process were missing from the process leading to the imposition of the penalty. This scandal was going on fr a few months and it was going back and forth. They went to a few courts and it was all over ESPN and NFL network.

  9. Sabrina- Kylie Jenner and her lips have been turned into a media frenzy. Already famous from the reality TV show, "Kepping Up with the Kardashians", Kylie Jenner is well known throughout media. After a time period of hiding the truth and rumors, Kylie admitted to injecting lip fillers. "I have temporary lip fillings. It's just an insecurity of mine, and it's what i wanted to do." The media went crazy over something that people all over the world every day. It was blown out of proportions just because she was famous. It also may have been a large topic due to the fact that her mother, Kris Jenner, opposed her daughter's procedure. Kylie Jenner has become a type of role model for teens wishing to change their features. " A new study shows that 36% of young woman age 16-26 want lip injections before any other enhancement."

  10. Matt- The 2014 AFC championship game football tampering scandal, which is known as Deflategate, is a controversy in the NFL, which is centered around allegations of changing footballs by the New England Patriots that were used against the Indianapolis Colts in that game. The league officially said on May 11, 2015 that it was going to suspend Patriots quarterback Tom Brady for four games in the upcoming season for his part in the scandal. After NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell upheld the suspension in an appeal, the case was presented to federal court. On September 3, 2015 judge Richard M.Berman took away the four-game suspension of Brady stating that "...the requisites of fairness and due process..." Were missing from the investigation. In the league rules it states that footballs are required to be inflated to a pressure between 12.5 and 13.5 psi when measured referees. First reports indicated that the pressure change shown in the balls suggested that human intervention was involved. During the first half of the game Patriots QB Brady threw an interception to Colts linebacker D'Qwell Jackson and after the play Jackson gave the ball to their equipment manager for safekeeping. After the interception the equipment manager measured the pressure of the ball on the sideline, even though it's not allowed, and the team notified notified the NFL that the ball was below the limit. At halftime the officials checked the footballs and it was reported that 11 out of the 12 balls used by the patriots were at least two psi below the legal limit. Media reaction to this incident was extremely strong and there were many actions that helped fuel media interest in the incident including the Patriots previous cheating scandal of Spygate in 2007, where the patriots were sanctioned for having a video film of an opponent's practice. Also due to the two-week break between the championship game and if you were both created pressure on sports writers to fill the gap during that time. This investigation created a media frenzy that lasted the entire NFL off-season and during that period not a day went by when you didn't hear about it.

  11. Sarah- Something new going on in the media today is the question whether or not Blake Shelton has a drinking problem or not. People have questioned if on his show, "The Voice" he was actually coming in intoxicated. His fans are worried because he will make tweets about how he "Is so drunk" . His favorite is hard liquor. He has denied problems in the past, and now that people are seeing changes in his behavior, they are starting to get nervous. This has been a hot country topic for weeks.

  12. Victor~A few years ago, the name Bill Cosby was met with laughter and nostalgic recollection for his countless appearances in acting and comedy as well as "The Cosby Show", but now the name has become very different. Many women have accused Bill Cosby of drugging them and raping them at some point in their lives. Some women claim that it happened as far as 1965. This all started in 2004, when Andrea Constand claimed to have been sexually assaulted by him in his Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, home in 2004. She waited a year to contact police so there wasn't enough evidence at the time. This claim eventually resurfaced and led to other women sharing their stories. Cosby used quaaludes, a common date rape drug that works as a sleep inducer. Under various circumstances he claimed that they were either cold medicine or sedatives for anxiety. With over 40 years of raping and drugging it's clear that Cosby's public image has been shattered
