Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 11th and the Media

Your Task:

Research media coverage from September 11th 2001.  Remember that digital media comes in many forms (articles, blogs, videos, films, vlogs, documenteries, political cartoons, etc.)
Comment (Blog) about your research using the comments section and explain how that particular digital resource is significant (or not) to an understanding of the events that took place on a day that became our National Day of Service. Copy and paste a link to the digital resource. Reply to at least one fellow student-blogger.

This Blog will serve as a platform for further discussion in the classroom.


  1. It's crazy to believe that tomorrow will be another year that has passed since the devastating incident of September 11th. Sad enough to say, many families were affected by this terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. Since this infamous incident occured only three years after I was born, the only way I am able to fully grasp the horror is through the use of media. News reporters were able to film in the moment and record the candid reactions of those who were involved. I watched a documentary called 9/11 Exposed, which showed people jumping out of the buildings, knowing that it would be the quickest way to end their life. Phone cells were also a huge factor for people on this day. Phone lines were slowed down and busy with families calling their loved ones with the fear of not knowing if they were okay in the city. With the technology we had then and that we have today, we are able to educate details about the horroric event for those who were not yet alive for this tragedy. (9/11 exposed documentary)

  2. It's crazy to believe that tomorrow will be another year that has passed since the devastating incident of September 11th. Sad enough to say, many families were affected by this terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. Since this infamous incident occured only three years after I was born, the only way I am able to fully grasp the horror is through the use of media. News reporters were able to film in the moment and record the candid reactions of those who were involved. I watched a documentary called 9/11 Exposed, which showed people jumping out of the buildings, knowing that it would be the quickest way to end their life. Phone cells were also a huge factor for people on this day. Phone lines were slowed down and busy with families calling their loved ones with the fear of not knowing if they were okay in the city. With the technology we had then and that we have today, we are able to educate details about the horroric event for those who were not yet alive for this tragedy. (9/11 exposed documentary)

    1. Great documentary! It really provides a lot of insight into what exactly happened on 9/11. It made me feel as if I was there with them and able to experience their fear and desperation.

  3. September 11, 2001 was a tragic day in American history. The lives of thousands of people were taken without warning from their families and loved ones. Since this attack occurred 14 years ago, younger generations such as myself either have no recollection of the attack or were not born yet and did not experience the effects it had on America as a country first hand. Therefore, we are forced to learn about 9/11 through media and others who lived through it. I was a able to find an article written by a witness that was very close to the pentagon when one of the hijacked planes crashed into the side of the building. These eyewitness accounts of what occurred that day help us to gain a better understanding of the magnitude of this attack. She also brought up a good point about how different our information about 9/11 would have been if people had access to more social media and technology when this occurred. Imagine if people trapped inside the twin towers were able to take pictures with their smart phones. They could check Twitter and find out exactly what was happening. They could have said more goodbyes to their loved ones or provided them with closure. Even though technology could have provided us with more insite about what happened that day, we also gained a lot of knowledge by using the technology we had. News reporters were able to film what was happening live in New York City. They captured what every American was feeling that day.

    1. I agree with what you said. More goodbyes would have been said if twitter was available. Good article!

  4. I can't believe that it's been almost 15 years since the devastating attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. I wasn't old enough to fully experience and realize what was going on, but due to the media, I now have a good understanding as to what happened and how it impacted so many people. I did some research and found an article talking about the event. From this article, I learned many things about the attacks that I haven't known about yet. According to this article, President George W. Bush and company used the 3,000 deaths as an excuse to make the world theirs. It took them no time at all to decide to launch a “Global War on Terror” in up to 60 countries. the Bush administration’s top officials were quite so infatuated by the US military. I couldn't believe what I read and I'm sure that there is still a lot about this event that I still don't know. Thanks to articles like this, it gives Americans information about events such as 9/11 and it tells them things that they may not have known before.

  5. The events that had happened on September 11th 2011 changed America forever. There was nothing like it. Children ages 19 and younger don't really remember what had happened that day considering at the time we were too young, but people such as Mary Kate Cary remember vividly what they did on that day and exactly how the felt when they had seen the news. Some people never even got a phone call home, family members didn't come home. Hundreds and hundreds of people die and were seriously injured. This affected the media in so many ways cause everyone's sense of patriotism stood out on the assumption that it was Bin Landen and the rest of Al Queda. Therefore, 9/11 was huge in the media and made a huge impact on the country.
