Friday, September 18, 2015

Media Frenzy (Circus)

Blog about a person or event that created a media circus or a social media frenzy.  Choose something we did not discuss in class and remember to cite your sources.  Use your first name ONLY to begin your blog.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 11th and the Media

Your Task:

Research media coverage from September 11th 2001.  Remember that digital media comes in many forms (articles, blogs, videos, films, vlogs, documenteries, political cartoons, etc.)
Comment (Blog) about your research using the comments section and explain how that particular digital resource is significant (or not) to an understanding of the events that took place on a day that became our National Day of Service. Copy and paste a link to the digital resource. Reply to at least one fellow student-blogger.

This Blog will serve as a platform for further discussion in the classroom.